logical seminary is not an incubator of philosophies. It ought to be a Biblical reservoir from which the student could • get the unpolluted, undiluted, and un- colored fluid of divine inspiration. You, sir, and your faculty, are not here to apologize for the Bible, write amend- ments to it or expunge paragraphs from its sacred pages; you, and your asso- ciates, are here to teach it. It is di- rect from God, and should be so taught. If you cannot and will not do that, re- sign now. The Object of the Bible is to reveal Christ t o a . l o st world. Christ came to reveal the Father, establish the Fath- er's Kingdom and save His people from their sins. = Your students should be filled with the Bible, and: they should have a personal knowledge of Christ and a daily experience of His abiding presence. Indoctrinated Preachers. Make cer- tain the correct doctrinal viewpoint of your students. If they have any doubts about the inspiration of the Scriptures or the deity of Christ refuse to grad- uate them. Keep them here forever, if they are not clear and certain on those two essential points. Without the whole Bible and the deity of Christ you can not have a Gospel minister, preacher and prophet. No man who doubts the Bible or denies the eternal Sonship and deity of Christ has a right to enter the pulpit. There is no place or room for such in the Presbyterian denomination. We want only men who personally know, and have experienced the effect of, and are willing to testify to the ef- ficacy of the vicarious atonement. We want men who know the doctrine, and are willing to preach the doctrine of the whole Gosper of Jesus Christ. Over the door of every house where Uni- tarians meet to repeat their ritualistic denial of the deity of Christ there ought to be placed a bronze figure of the crowing cock as the emblem of perpetual r SX2N3OW beautifully the writer of the _ _ t» letter to the Hebrews identifies I—I W himself with those to whom it H I 1 « j 5 addressed! In the argument 0 O 3 W l e leads up through the types to the wondrous sacrifice to Christ Himself, beginning and ending the
denial, and if there are any in the Pres- byterian church who secretly deny the deity of Christ they ought to be honest enough to seek shelter under the cock- crowned roof of Unitarianism. We want no man to leave the seminary who will give an uncertain sound on the great fundamentals, essential truths, and eternally decreed doctrines of the vicarious atonement. We want you to send out men strong in the doctrines, firm in the faith, and bold in their declaration of the Gospel. Give to the world great doctrinal preachers, great evangelistic preachers in whose souls burn an everlasting pas- sion for the . souls and salvation of lost men. Send out men who know the aw- fulness of sin and the blessedness of the salvation provided by the death of Christ. Don't send out trimmers, give us men who believe, and men who will speak the whole truth. Give to the pul- pits great, broad-minded, loyal men; men who will protect their pulpits from the invasion of persons who deny Christ. No man who. loves Jesus would allow one who denies Christ to occupy his pulpit. That is not bigotry, it is loyalty to Christ. It is not narrowness, it is only nearness to Christ and the Triune God. Give us honest men who will be true to the Trinity, to the Bible, and to the standards of our church. The world needs a consecrated ministry with a blood-stained Gospel as its only message. You must send into the world wise, sympathetic pastors, profound preach- ers, ecclesiastical lights, Gospel leaders, righteous patriots, and fearless proph- ets. Then, and not until then, will you receive your reward and crown as a faithful potter. The vessels of honor and service will then testify to your consecration and faithfulness. We charge you to look well to your duty and promised crown,
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The Sin of Unbelief Selected
epistle in majestic and unassailable ar- gument. His exhortations to faith and patience in the tenth chapter are fol- lowed in the eleventh by a review of the heroes of faith, and in the first view is an exact definition of faith looking at it from the divine point of view. The
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