

WATER METER Installation

Implementation of Pearland’s new smart water meter system began on April 29 with installation of new meters in the pilot neighborhood of Southwyck. Approximately 3,500 meters have been installed to date. The current meters are nearing the end of their expected service life, and the upgrade aligns with the City’s vision in infrastructure investment by leveraging technology. The City’s upgrade to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) from the existing Automated Meter Reading (AMR) will continue to accurately measure, assist in reducing water loss and provide information related to water service. The new smart meters also feature more de- tailed customer-facing data that will be available closer to real time, which will improve transparency and empower residents to take control of their water usage through a web portal. Three hundred new meters have been installed with hopes of installing up to 600 meters per week. The contractor also plans to complete all smart meter installs—approximately 37,000 meters—in the city by the end of January 2020.

37,000 meters will be installed by 2020

600 weekly meter installation goals

For more information regarding the new AMI smart meters, visit pearlandtx.gov/smartwater .

6 / Pearland in Motion / Fall 2019

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