King's Business - 1961-01

homiletical helps

W O U LD Y O U S A Y N O ” . . . 1 < i . . . if you know that you could bring the message of eternal life to this little girl? cu . . She is typical of the many childretrtih ilblat&£*rt(jC nities, who are not reached by apj^ am j^ f^y sund ay school. The American Sunday-School fJhidn With your assistance will be able to continue sending missionaries to teach the Gospel in these out-of-the-way areas. Would you say "no”?

The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column.

Since gossiping is such a sin . . . a good slogan for churches would be "Enter with­ out knocking . . . leave the same way." * * * A PASTOR'S NEW YEAR W ISH FOR GOD'S PEOPLE May a dying Saviour’s love inspire you (II Cor. 5:14). May a risen Saviour’s power preserve you (Phil. 3:10). May an ascended Saviour’s blessing en­ rich you (Eph. 4:8). May a constant Saviour’s ministry aid you (Heb. 7:24, 25). May a living Saviour’s word sanctify you (Eph. 5:25, 26). May a seated Saviour’s acceptance rest you (Heb. 10:10-14). May a faithful Saviour’s grace empower you (II Cor. 12:9). May a present Saviour’s presence cheer you (Isa. 41:10). May a holy Saviour’s indwelling mould you (Gal. 2:20). May a joyful Saviour’s joy strengthen you (John 15:11). May a powerful Saviour’s Spirit use you (Acts 1:8). May a loving Saviour’s yoke couple you (Matt. 11:29). May a perfect Saviour’s example allure you (John 13:15). May a coming Saviour’s return attract you (Rev. 22:12). May Christ Himself be all and in all to you (Col. 3:11)! * * * The Christian on his knees sees more than the philosopher on his tiptoes. * * * These may be interpreted in many ways, always knowing, however, that they form the constitution of the kingdom of God—begun here and continued there— but a new idea is this: an attitude toward sin. Poor in spirit—Consciousness of sin. They that mourn—conviction of sin. The meek—Confession of sin. The hungering—Conversion from sin. The merciful—Conversion to righteous­ ness. The pure in heart—Change of heart. The peacemakers—Consecration to serv­ ice. The persecuted—Chastening for God’s glory. Reward—“Come higher!” * * * You may give without loving . . . but you can't love without giving. THE BEATITUDES Matthew 5

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