King's Business - 1961-01

reader reaction

TH IRTY YEAR READER My husband has accepted a call to min­ ister on the island of,St. Helena. I under­ stand that this will be somewhat a lonely appointment without much fellowship, so we are looking forward to the fellowship of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I have been enjoying this magazine for over 30 years, ever since I graduated from Biola in 1928. Mrs. P. J. (Beth Mahon) Visser, Natal, So. Africa. NEW N A V Y READER Please begin my subscription right away. I am in the Navy and in boot camp right now. The extra gift is for you to use in the Lord work as it is needed. I hope to learn electronics and serve the Lord in that way. Mr. Timothy Edwards, Smartville, Calif. E d itor ’ s N o t e : Gifts to the magazine are placed in our “Free Fund” which is used to send subscriptions to needy mis­ sionaries, prison chaplains, and other places where spiritual needs are great. NOT TOO MUCH ADVERTISING THE KING’S BUSINESS has been in our family for years. We have been tak­ ing (name of another Christian magazine) but it is so full of advertising. You almost think you have hold of Sears’ catalog. Why can’t they put the ads in the back and not mix them up with good reading. I doubt if God approves of it. I trust you folk will live up to the King’s business, and we know He will support it. Mrs. Harry B. Funk, Colorado Springs, Colorado. E d itor ’ s N o t e : Advertising and circula­ tion are the life blood of any magazine. Since advertisers want to have their mes­ sage read, they desire the best placement where people will see their product. THE KING’S BUSINESS tries very carefully to screen all advertisements as well as the placement of the material. WORDS OF COMFORT We receive such a great blessing from the work of the dedicated men of God, who help to compile the magazine. May the Lord help each one of you as you carry on until the Saviour returns. Mrs. Jo* P. Bradley, Dallas, Texas. CUP OF COLD WATER Recently I read in your magazine about the “Free Fund.” This speaks of maga­ zines for missionaries. If this can be an encouragement to you or to others in helping toward this cause, we wish to impress it upon the hearts of readers about the blessings received from THE KING’S BUSINESS! The Scriptures say, “A cup of cold water.” We say that this can mean the subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS. God bless those who remember us in the foreign lands, and especially in Indonesia. Mr. Howard M. Goring, P. Slantar, Sumatra, Indonosia.

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