King's Business - 1961-01

doctrines found in the Word of God, which, in large measure, constitute the basic, doctrinal differences between Prot- estanism and the Church of Rome. The people in the Protest­ ant churches are not educated in the truth and they no longer know why they are Protestants and against what they are protesting ! In 1928, the deadly virus of modernism, which is the un­ derlying cause of this trouble, had not so deeply penetrated the church of Jesus Christ in the United States. Then its deadly work in the larger denominations was just beginning. But alas, since that time it has so completely infected so many local congregations and denominational publications that the present generation is quite ignorant of our his­ toric position as Protestants, and of the battles that have been waged, and the blood shed, for our freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our consciences. Of course, there were other factors which determined the outcome of this election, but it is our conviction that the most sig­ nificant one for the church of Christ was the unmistakeable evidence of the departure from the faith of a large segment of the Protestant church. Can it be that those noble men and women of the past who fought and died to give us such a magnificent heritage of _ ■’eedom sacrificed themselves in vain? Can it be that we '.¿'hohave so eujoyed our religious liberty are now indiffer­ ently to let it slip from our grasp? Can it be that we have sunk so low that we are more concerned about being called "religious bigots" than we are about taking our stand upon the Word of God, fearlessly proclaiming its eternal truths, and at all costs preserving our liberties? Can it be that the Protestant citizenry of these United States is more interested inpolitical affiliations than principles of re­ ligious freedom? Can it be that by so lightly regarding our own convictions, as well as the faith of our fathers, we are condemning future generations to the ever-increasing pressure of a foreign ideology? Can it be that the Protes­ tant denominations, which have such a noble history since the fires of the Reformation broke out in Europe, are so preoccupied with a "social Gospel" that the proclamation of the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ has no longer any meaning to them? Are we approaching the time, through the idea of complete co-operation and the concept of ecu­ menicity, that the membership of these denominations will repudiate their historic position and will unite with Rom­ an Catholicism to form one great world church? God forbid! If such is the case— and I pray it may not be so— the glory of our faith in large measure has departed. Indeed, it is evident that the last days of this dispensation are upon us because these conditions are those that the pro­ phetic Scriptures have described as characteristic of the end times. In these tremendous days prayer, and yet more prayer— earnest, God-honoring, believing, prevailing prayer— is needed as never before. Let us ask God that His will may be done and that we may be found faithful in our testimony and in our lives, showing forth the wonderful grace of Jesus, wrought out on Calvary for our behalf. Will you join me in this "post-election meditation" and dedicate yourself to stand up and to be counted for Christ in this generation?

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