
20A — March 16 - 29, 2012 — Northern New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal

Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Northern New Jersey — March 16 - 29, 2012 — 21A






THOMAS PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL INC. Award Winning Steel Building Erector

Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal

Team includes Dermody Associates, Chambers Archt., Butler Manufacturing, RS Phillips Steel, Thomas Phoenix Int’l. Hance Construction project reclaims dormant industrial site adjacent to historic Sparta Train Station

would like to congratulate Hance Construction on this great project. If you would like to feature your company, development or project call Mike Campisi: (800) 584-1062 Ext. 208 or email: mcampisi@marejournal.com

“Our team is made of experienced pre-engineered metal building erectors. We are flexible and easily adapt to the needs of the project. We pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, safety and education”

PARTA, NJ — Hance Construction has com- pleted construction and renovation of Phase 1 of the New Station Park Recreation Complex, a 12,150 s/f, multi- building facility located at 38 Station Rd. adjacent to the historic Sparta TrainStation. The Sparta Police Athletic Leaguehassigneda long-term lease with property owner Dermody Associates, Inc. for two of the spaces in the four- structure, 10-acre complex, a former industrial site that had been dormant for over 20 years. “We are excited that this property has been reclaimed for use by the community,” said Bill Dermody, a Sparta native who manages mul- tiple properties owned by the Dermody family. “Hance Con- struction did an outstanding job working with us to adjust initial plans for the property and manage development issues. We place very high standardsonall theproperties we own in Sparta because of our multi-generation history in the community and Hance Construction really was key to maintaining that develop- ment integrity at the historic Station Road property.” The New Station Park Recreation Complex features S

of space with all the modern amenities for an office, shop or small restaurant right in Sparta Town Center. “We love Sparta and when we bought the property three yearsagowedidn’twant tosee the train station torn down,” said Dermody. “It’s one of the last stations standing in Sus- sex County of the 15 built by the New York, Susquehanna, andWesternRailroad. Trains in the station at one time brought the mail, served the local farms and brought in tourists. It’s an interesting history that we hope some- one will admire and find the station’s cathedral ceilings and open floor plan a great place to do business.” ■

Phone: 609-261-1188 Fax: 609-261-1149 Website: www.thomasphoenixintl.com office@thomasphoenixintl.com

Hance Construction has completed construction and renovation of Phase 1 of the New Station Park Recreation Complex, a 12,150 s/f, multi-building facility located adjacent to the historic Sparta Train Station.

The Sparta Police Athletic League has signed a long-term lease with property owner Dermody Associates, Inc. for two buildings, one of which features an indoor basketball facility.



two new Butler Manufactur- ing metal buildings and two renovated buildings with Butler walls and roofs as well as The Simple Saver System, an insulation product that can reduce energy costs by as much as 50 percent during a building’s lifetime. Original plans called for just one new structure, but the project had to be adjusted because of the poor condition of one of the original structures columns and footings. “WeworkedwiththeDermo- dy teamtomake sure the facil- itymet theirneedsand theend result is a highly sustainable, environment-friendly facility,” said Art Hance, president of Hance Construction. “The Station Road project is a good

example of the fact that metal roofsandwallsofferanunbeat- able level of environmental performance andaesthetic ap- peal.Metal buildings todayare sustainable, have low impact on the environment, reduce solid waste in construction, help reduce energy usage in all climates, and improve the airqualityandwaterefficiency in buildings and their sur- roundings.” The Sparta PAL has leased the two new buildings, which are connected and total 6,950 s/f. One building features an indoor basketball facility and the second provides of- fice and meeting space, both with grand ceiling height. The remaining two buildings are available for lease with one

building connected to the bas- ketball facilityand the second freestanding. The building connected to the basketball center offers 2,300 s/f of raw space with ca- thedral ceilings, an industrial overhead door as well as com- pleted bathroom and shower facilities. The freestand- ing structure offers 2,900 s/f of raw space on two floors with modern bathrooms. The property also provides over 100 parking spaces and all utilities will eventually be underground. For many years, the Der- mody family maintained an office space adjacent to the propertyand theSpartaTrain Station, which dates back to

the 1880s. The family wanted to restore the area and pro- tect the original train station building. The original train station building is available for lease, offering 1,100 s/f

P ROJECT T EAM Property Owner .................................Dermody Associates Inc. General Contractor ...........................Hance Construction, Inc. Architect ...................................... Chambers Architecture, Inc. Steel Building System Suppler .............. Butler Manufacturing Steel Supplier ........................................ RS Phillips Steel, LLC Steel Building Erector ............. Thomas Phoenix International

We are proud to be a part of this great project

Butler Mfg takes great pride in serving as steel supplier for the New Station Park Recreation Complex. Hance Construction, a Butler Career Builder ® , has created a sustainable facility that will serve the Sparta community for years to come. We also applaud Dermody Associates for their efforts to restore the Station Road complex and rehabilitate the Sparta Train Station.


Specializing in Commercial , Residential , Municipal and Industrial Architecture Pre-Engineered Metal Building Architecture


www.rsphillipssteel.com R.S. Phillips Steel Phone: 973 827 6464 Fax: 973 827 2323 128 Lake Pochung Road Sussex NJ 07461 Hours of operation: Monday-Friday: 8 am – 4:30 pm Sat: 8 am – 12:00 noon



Chambers Architecture, Inc. P.O. Box 1058 Flemington, NJ 08822 www.chambersai.com

(908) 788-3646 Fax (908) 684 -1305 keithaia@chambersai.com

Chambers Architecture, Inc.


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