B Back Cover — March 16 - 29, 2012 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Mericle’s Design and Excavation teams are transforming the economic landscape of Northeastern Pennsylvania. They are hard at work turning 1,700 acres from Scranton to Hazleton into Ready to Go sites for more than 12.8 million square feet of new space. That’s enough room for 12,000 jobs! Our Ready to Go sites are in nine local business parks. They are fully improved, fully approved, and all set for the immediate construction of new industrial, flex, office, andmedical buildings. In fact, our sites are so Ready to Go that we guarantee we’ll finish your new building to your exact specifications faster than any other developer in the market. Much faster. Soon, we will announce our plans to construct speculative facilities on several of these sites. Over the past 25 years, our speculative building program has helped create thousands of local jobs. In fact, more than 12,000 people work in buildings we’ve developed locally. That’s 12,000 jobs down and 12,000 to go. So when you’re ready to grow your business, please call Mericle at 570.823.1100. We’ll have a Ready to Go site just for you.
Mericle is turning 1,700 acres into Ready to Go sites for 12.8 million square feet and 12,000 jobs.
) ME R I C L E ’ S R E A D Y TO GO S I T E S )
6.35 Acres 57,600 SF Designed
4.06 Acres 32,500 SF Designed
12.85 Acres 109,200 SF Designed
7.98 Acres 58,800 SF Designed
3 (nterSrise :ay Parcel 7% 2IÀce industrial Pedical users CenterPoint West, Pittston Twp.
.eystone $venue Parcel 1 2IÀce coPPercial Pedical users CenterPoint East IIC, Jenkins Twp.
101 5esearcK 'rive Parcel ,ndustrial users CenterPoint East IIA, Jenkins Twp.
17713 5esearcK 'rive Parcel 0 ,ndustrial and oIÀce users CenterPoint East IIA, Jenkins Twp.
24.3 Acres 310,000 SF Designed
127.72 Acres 1,485,600 SF Designed
10.02 Acres 96,000 SF Designed
6.6 Acres 42,000 SF Designed
$lEeriJi 'rive Parcel 8 2IÀce industrial Pedical users Jessup Small Bus. Ctr, Jessup Boro.
000 2ak 5idJe 5d. Parcels 1 ,ndustrial users Humboldt Industrial Park, Hazle Twp.
CenterPoint West, Pittston Twp.
11 (ast Mtn. %lvd Parcel $ 2IÀce and Pedical users Corp Ctr. at East Mtn, Plains Twp.
(nterSrise :ay Parcel ,ndustrial users
Sorry, but we just couldn’t fit information about all of our Ready to Go sites in this ad! If you don’t see a parcel that’s the right size for you, just dial 570.823.1100 and ask for Bob Besecker, Jim Hilsher, Bill Jones, or Dan Walsh. They’ll match you to a Mericle lot and a building design that fits your needs exactly.
%oE %esecker -iP +ilsKer %ill -ones 'an :alsK 570.823.1100
6can Ior Pore details aEout Mericle’s Ready to Go sites!
Developing Pennsylvania’s I-81 Corridor for 26 Years.
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