Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — The Best of 2011 — March 16 - 29, 2012 — C
The Largest Industrial Sale of 2011 NAI James E. Hanson 200 Central Avenue — $14 Million — Cushman & Wakefield iPort 12 International Trade ROCK Commercial Real Estate 515 Zarfoss Drive — $8.075 Million —
& Logistics Center — $57 Million —
200 Central Avenue in Teterboro, NJ
Carteret, NJ Size (square footage/acreage) : 1,264,733 s/f Broker(s): Andrew Merin, Paul Torosian, Gary Gabriel, and David Bernhaut The Cushman & Wakefield Metropolitan Area Capital Markets Group sold iPort 12 Interna- tional Trade & Logistics Center from Panatoni to KTR. It is the most significant industrial development in Northern New Jersey in over 10 years. Construction was completed on this trophy project in the fourth quarter of 2007 and consists of two buildings of 1,064,515 and 200,218 square feet. It is located on 70 acres (net of wetlands) in Carteret, NJ.
NAI James E. Hanson announced the sale of 125 and 200 Central Avenue, a 210,009 s/f industrial complex in Teterboro, NJ. Sitex Realty Group, LLC purchased the site. A 104,213 s/f, 125 Central Avenue has 9,640 s/f allocated for office space, a 42-foot ceil- ing height and 19 loading docks. A 105,796 s/f facility, 200 Central Avenue has 4,418 s/f of office space and 25 loading docks. NAI Hanson senior VPGary Sauerborn and VPs Jeffrey DeMagistris and Thomas Vet- ter represented the owner, John Landers, ESQ, of the Marschall Warehouse Co., in this transaction.
515 Zarfoss Drive in York, PA
Size (square footage/acreage):309,900 s/f 26.81 acres Broker(s): David Bode, CCIM
Building amenities include: 50x50 column spacing, 28 docks w/ insulated seals & electric-hydraulic self level- ing loading ramps, emergency generator & more.
Rely on Rock
Metropolitan Area Capital Markets Group
Mid-AtlAntiC i-95 Portfolio 951,000 Sf SAlE of nEt lEASEd induStriAl Portfolio MArylAnd & nEW JErSEy
Exit 8A Portfolio 1,000,000 Sf
SAlES of Six Building induStriAl Portfolio CrAnBury & MonroE, nJ
670 BEllEvillE turnPikE 211,000 Sf SAlE of SinglE-tEnAnt diStriBution fACility kEArny, nJ
60 induStriAl PArk dr. 719,000 Sf SAlE of SinglE-tEnAnt diStriBution fACility Milton, PA
The Power of Team . For in-depth market research . For fast service that saves time and money . For timely and accurate information . For a unique team-based approach to commercial real estate
fAir lAWn tECh CEntEr 90,000 Sf notE SAlE of flEx WArEhouSE Building fAir lAWn, nJ
111 BAuEr drivE 121,000 Sf SAlE of flEx WArEhouSE Building oAklAnd, nJ
Andrew J. Merin, Vice Chairman 201-460-3358 David W. Bernhaut, Vice Chairman 201-460-3356 H. Gary Gabriel, Exec. Vice President 201-460-3352 Brian J. Whitmer, Senior Director 201-508-5209
ROCK Commercial Real Estate, LLC, Susquehanna Commerce Center West 221 West Philadelphia St. Suite 19, York, PA 17401-2992 717-854-5357 Fax: 717-854-5367 www.rockrealestate.net
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