Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — The Best of 2011 — March 16 - 29, 2012 — 7C
The BEsT of 2011
The Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal would like to personally Congratulate this years winners of “The Best of 2011” To guarantee your company is considered next year, please email:
Congratulations 2011 Mid AtlAntic region rAnkings
#1 and #3Top Sales Brokers in 2011 Largest Multi-housing Sale in 2011 AIG Multi-housing Portfolio - New Jersey Largest Mixed-use Project in 2011 Lot 31 - Maryland Largest Financial Deal in 2011 America’s Square - Washington, D.C.
Michael Campisi mcampisi@marejournal.com or call 1-800-584-1062 x 208
Rankings from Mid Atlantic RE Journal survey.
NEW JERSEY 200 Campus Drive, Suite 410 Florham Park, NJ 07932 t (973) 549-2000
WASHINGTON, D.C. 1627 I Street NW, 12th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 t (202) 533-2500
T his is such a big “ Thank you ” iT covers 39,060 square feeT .
M anaged healThcare a ssociaTes , i nc .’ s expansion and renewal aT 25 a v reeland r oad in f lorhaM p ark
c ongraTulaTions To M anaged h ealThcare a ssociaTes , i nc . and e ric l adden of c ornersTone r eal e sTaTe g roup on Their deal being naMed one of The “b esT of 2011”.
SPACE AVAILABLE RANGING FROM 2,000 sq. ft. UP TO 77,000 sq. ft. OF CONTIGUOUS CLASS A OFFICE SPACE. For Leasing Information, Please Contact: John Osborne, Executive Director, Leasing, 732-855-8600 x115 Kelly Ziegenfuss, Assistant Director, Leasing + Marketing, 732-855-8600 x109
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