26C — March 16 - 29, 2012 — The Best of 2011 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal www.marejournal.com The Favorite/Most Unusual Engineering Project of 2011
Bohler Engineering, Inc. Einstein Medical Center — Hospital Facility and Medical Office Building —
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network is building a 224-bed, regional medical center on an 83 acre site, which was previously the home of Wood’s Golf Center, in East Norriton Township. The project includes a 380,000 s/f, five-story hospital facility, a 75,000 s/f, two-story medical office building, structured parking and 1,200 parking spaces. The design also includes a helipad to support the proposed trauma center. Bohler Engineering obtained all the required municipal and outside agency approvals for the project, and performed a significant stormwater analysis, incorporating vegetated swales and rain gardens where possible to handle run-off. In addition, the project requires an off-site water and sewer extension. LEED design and administration are required, as Einstein is seeking certification from the USGBC. The project received preliminary approval in December 2008 and final approval was received in May 2009. Construction commenced in the Summer of 2010, and the Grand Opening is scheduled for September 2012. Why was this particular job your favorite/most unusual? Einstein Medical Center Mont- gomery will be the first completely new hospital to be built in PA in more than 10 years. AEHN is seeking LEED Silver Certification for the facility (and has been preliminarily approved), and as such required extensive and creative stormwater management design both on and off-site.
Rendering courtesy of Perkins + Will
Bohler engineering is proud to be a part of Aehn’s Development Team for the new einstein Medical Center.
%RKOHU(QJLQHHULQJ Civil Engineering, Permitting & Surveying 3HUNLQV:LOO Architecture :HOOV$SSHO Landscape & Lighting 2·'RQQHOO 1DFFDUDWR , Structural Design 3:,(QJLQHHULQJ , MEP 'HO9DO6RLO , Wetlands Consultant +DPPHV&RPSDQ\ , Owner’s Representative 6DXO(ZLQJ//3 Transactional Counsel
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