CJ-IRI6TI0N HERITAGE COLLEGE A four year, non-denominational Christian liberal arts college lo cated in El Cajon, CA, offering B.A. and B.S. degrees in 13 majors. A few of these include: Missionary Aviation, Education, Biblical Psy chology, Music, Geo-Science, Bible Missions and Christian Edu cation. The research division of the Col lege, The Institute for Creation Re search, is recognized inter nationally for leadership in the scientific creationism movement. As far as is known, ICR is the first educational and research center founded strictly on Biblical cre ationist principles. The College purposes are: (1) to provide education of high aca demic and Biblical standards; (2)
to graduate students who are firmly committed to God, to Biblical Christianity, and to the founding principles of this country, fully pre pared to accept positions of re sponsibility and accountability in their chosen vocation. If you haven't visited our cam pus, please do so and let us have the opportunity to meet personally and share with you the blessings of this unique educational ministry. CHIRI6TIQN HERITAGE COLLEGE 2100 Greenfield Dr., El Cajon, CA 92021 phone (714) 440-3043
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