Tim, "TJ". Pottersville, NY. Ps. 40:1-4, Rom. 12:1-2 My plans are to get married in April 1976 and to get in to full-time work for the Lord in Brazil. Carol, "Ma" Stafford, Springs, Ct. Eph. 4:1-3. God is the BLESSED controller of all things. Plans are to work then perhaps nursing school or Child Ev. Karen. Freeville, NY. Ps. 19:14. FS: "Be strong!" Af ter graduation I plan to follow the Lord, hopefully to music school. Ron. II Cor. 8:9. FS: "Praise the Lord" Lord willing I plan to serve Him in the field of Electrical Engineering at home or for missionary work. Peggy 'Di' Buttons. Harwich, Ma. Prov. 3:5-6. FS: 'What is wrong with me?' 'Do what?' Fut. Seeking the Lord's will. "Sibes" Lemoyne, Pa. Ps. 37:4. FS: 'How's it goin?' 'Catch ya later!' Future plans—serving the God, my God. Anita. Battle Creek, Mi. Acts 20:24. Lord willing, finish my education at West. Michigan and continue with the Navigators. ;1| unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Fred. Wellsboro, Pa. FS: 'You Hotdog'. I am waiting on the Lord right now for my future. "Twin" Conestoga, Pa. Ps. 37:5. Commit thy way "Skidrow". Marcellus, Mi. Lord, since I've invested my life in Your Kingdom I'm amazed at Your astronomi cal rate of interest. Jude. Norfolk, Va. Phil. 4:13. I have really learned to apply this verse at W. O. L. B. I. "Dorro Dean". Red Lion, Pa. Eccles. 12:13. "The con clusion, when all has been heard, is fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person" Terry Smith "Sanbauat" Colchester, Ct. II Cor. 1:3-4. Help me this blessed truth to share dear Lord. "Sparky." Cincinnat, Ohio. John 10:27-30. FS: Gotcha. "Di" Paradis, Pa. Phil. 3:12-14. FS: Oh, joy! Fut: going on to Bible School, majoring in Christian Ed. Terri. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prov. 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Mark. Meadville, Pa. I Cor. 10:31. I'm looking for ward to marrying Alice Johnson in Aug., after which will be continuing my education. "Little Orphan Annie" Seneca Falls, NY. II Sam 22:2-4. FS: Hello, sweetheart. Fut: to learn the Spanish language & use it where God leads. Curley. Ex. 33:14. Fav. saying: If you can't fix it bum it with the torch, mechanic's No. 1 tool! Fut: to go to nursing school for further Emergency Street Trauma.
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