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Thor guy is always sirring rhere
James hard ar work???
Whar are Brooks and Kay up ro?
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Srudenr Body .................. 35
Speciol Evenrs Adverrisemenrs Direcrory ...........................132
To You, Lord
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Giving rhanks always for all things unro God and rhe Father in the name of out Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20
The staff of the Open Door would like to dedicate this year's book to our Lord Jesus Christ. We would hope, os you read through this book and remember your year at rhe Bible Institute, that you are able to recoil the rime you spent here with o sense of growth in and toward our Saviour. We should realize the attitudes and perspective that we have developed in our study of the infinite God and His testament of grace to us ore rhe base for the rest of our life's growth. As we go on to school, or return home, or on to misisons, will we be able to find time every day for our personal devotions? Will we be able to challenge ourselves with scriptures when we pass the lost entry date in our "Quiet Time Diaries" and "Words of Life?" Will we maintain rhe vigor that we were able to develop in New York City, and choir tours, and weekend ministries in witness ing and constant testimony? Will we continue to involve Christ in all aspects of our life and keep Him foremost in our minds? The Lord is able to give us strength to be consistent in oil these areas and we must only allow Him. Let us think of this year os the beginning of our growth in whatever area the Lord has for us.
Registration Day
Registration day marked rhe beginning of our year ar WORD OF LIFE Bible Institute. There was a sense of excitement as we arrived on campus that day. For many it was a day of new experiences, meeting new people, finding our what dorm you are in, getting your work assignment, buying books, and, best of all, getting your mail-box number. It was the beginning of a great year.
Where do we begin?
I don't think there's going to be room.
Ir jusr doesn't fir, son!
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A whole year?
Moving in is so much fun!
Psalm 5:12 - "For rhou, LORD, wilr bless the righreous; wirh favour wilr rhou compass him os wirh a shield." On September 19, 1982, Jack and Marge cur rhe ribbon as rhe new Olympic Conference Center at the \VOL Inn became a reality. This has been a dream and prayer of Jack and Marge's for many years, and it was exciting to see God's grace in honoring their faithfulness.
The students at the Bible Institute have had several opportunities to visit the new facility, enjoy the pool, sauna, recreation rooms and heated whirlpool.
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The Presidenrial Donquer, as rhe firsr formal evenr of rhe year, was a good opportunity for students to get acquainted and to get to know the directors, Jack Wyrrzen and Harry Bollback. Dert Dritt provided musi cal entertainment, along with a presentation by the
Collegians. It was a great banquet to start a great
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Life or W.O.L.B.I. includes many different aspects. It's great to start each morning in fellowship with the Lord. Attending classes Tuesday-Friday, we learn much from the Word of God and how to apply it to our daily lives. Aside from exercising our minds, there is a time to exercise our bodies, which includes gym class once a week and our aerobics. In whatever ministry we ore involved, it's always a challenge to put into practice what we hove learned in class. In order that we may do the Lord's work to the best of our abilities, we need to feed our bodies as well os our minds.
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And whatsoever ye do, do ir heartily, as to the Lord, and nor unto men. Colossians 3:23
Cookours are so fun!
Ralph's besr side
Manna again!
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Run, Paul, Run!
Thanksgiving Fiesra
The Thanksgiving Banquer was one of rhe highlights of our year or W.O.L.B.I. Ir was great to hove many family mem bers come and to share the food and fellowship with them. The day started with championship foot ball games which were played by rhe top reams in our Phys. Ed. classes. This paved rhe way for rhe luscious Thanks giving dinner in rhe afternoon, culminat ing with the premiere performance of Harry Bollback's new musical "God's Por trait of Love." All in all a great day was had by all, and we praised God for His goodness and provision to us for making it all possible.
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President Jack Wyrtzen
Congrarularions, Class of 1983 .
” nmeS Wuen YOU wondered if rhis Veor would ever end, and now, suddenly, ir has ended Life is a lor
9 4 and "RnHn * w9* * * ° u m°k'n9 eQCh d°Y C°Unr' "The ni9hr COmerh' when no man con work" John ^ '.and Redeemmg rhe rime because rhe days are evil," Eph. 5:16. "So reach us ro number our days rhar we may apply our hearrs unro wisdom." Psalm 90:12. "The sreps of a good man are ordered by rhe Lord: ond he delighrerh in hb way. Though he all, he shall nor be urrerly casr down: for rhe Lord upholderh him wirh his hand." Psalm 37-23 24 "I know £ £ £ ^ S X ?h c" Z S ore plons °f b,e“in9S and nor of cdomiryi ,o * * ° ° ■ ^ 'h T, dGpr00f °fd°^ WJ' y°“ hove QdQPred ro r h e reaching of The Word ond rhe Biblical principles ser forth here ar rhe Bible nn H T Y Y° U Qpply yourself in rhe d°vs QheQd-^hen rhe ways of God become our ways we become firmlv orounded ond wi nnr Ho tv\ _____u ' 9
d ^ r ! hr°hVe h be ° n yOUr 9UQrd °9QinSr fQlSe reQCherS Wh° WOuld seek ro leQd y°u osrraV' ^herher ir be some whim of srmd fnir n rh f T n-c0r eaf nericd movemenrs; or devilish humanism rhor has so engulfed rhe world, you need ro . G Q'r Earnesrly conrend for rhe fairh which was once delivered unro rhe soinrs." Jude 3 Remember
even grear leaders have fallen, so keep your eyes upon our risen Lord. We have prayed for you while you were here. We'll pray for you as you go. You always welcome ro come home and be wirh us. God Bless you.
ore our family and we love you. You're
Yours on rhe Victory Side, Jock and Marge Wyrrzen Phil. 2:16
George Theis
Horry Dollbock
2 Tim. 4:10-11 Some of rhe losr words rhor Poul wrore us from his prison pulpir give us q glimpse of whor lies oheod for some of you. He talks of 3 men who hod been ossociored with him: Demos, Luke, Mark. Demos srorred our well, bur wos o lousy finisher. He was disrracred from rhe goal because of rhe Things of rhis world. This Is a warning ro any of us or any srage of our Chrisrion walk. Luke srorred our well and finished well. A medical man whose life wos seized wirh rhe claims of Chrisr, he minisrered behind rhe scenes during his liferime. Bur rhe Lord, in His grace, allowed him ro wrire rhe Gospel of Luke and rhe Book of Acrs, and he srill minisrers ro us rodoy Through rhese books. This Is a challenge ro any of us ro be faithful, even though we are nor center stage. Mark, known as John Mark, starred well, stumbled along rhe way, bur corrected his course and finished well. Acrs 13:13 rells us he quit while on rhe first missionary journey wirh Paul and Barnabas. Now, in spire of rhis, Barnabas didn't give up on John Mark. In Acrs 15:37, he rakes rhis young man under his wing and forms a new missionary ream, parting company wirh Paul and Silas. It's thrilling ro see rhar, ar rhe end of his life, Paul recognizes rhar John Mark is indeed "profir- able for rhe ministry” -2 Tim 4:11 This Is a principle ro learn - obedience ro rhe Word brings maturity. John Mark disobeyed - was humble enough ro confess his mistake - Barnabas recognized his hearr arrirude and brought him ro maruriry through obedience. In rhe class of '83, we will have Demases, we will have Lukes, we will have John Marks. Your obedience ro rhe Word will determine which you will be.
Sruarr Page Executive Dean
"For Ezra hod ser his heart ro study the low of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel." Ezra 7:10 NASV The year that we have spent together studying God's Word has been good. We have learned many things and we thank God for the changes that He has made in each of our lives as we sought ro pur into practice the spiritual truths that have confronted us. I pray that, as each of you step forth from these grounds, that you, like Ezra, willl ser your heart to continue a study of the Word so that you might truly know it, put it into practice, and teach it ro others. The true measure of oil that has been learned this year will be determined by the way you put it into practice in the weeks to come. I trust that you will be o "faithful steward." Stuart Page Colossians 128,29
Kenneth Dobbel Administrator
"Behold, I have given him for a witness ro rhe people, a leader and o commander ro rhe people." Isaiah 55:4
Robert Gray Dean Of Men God's love is os clear os rhe blue sky, The vosrness of which we cannor comprehend! God is more concerned wirh how we respond ro circumstances in life, than whor He has ro use ro bring about rhar response. "Therefore be imitators of God, os beloved children. Eph. 5:1 "Now, may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you oil!" 2 Thess. 3:16 NASV Dob Gray
Chris Miller Assistant Dean Of Men And Instructor
Transforming? Enlightening? Life-changing? The besr year of your life? I rrusr rhar these words describe your year here ar WOLBI, and if your fellowship wirh rhe Lord stays close, they will describe every year after rhis! Remember rhar apart from a warm, abiding relationship wirh rhe Lord we "con do norhing" (John 15:5). Be foirhful ro rhe basic disciplines of rhe Christian life you have learned rhis year and you will agree wirh rhe songwrirer, "rhe longer I serve Him, rhe sweerer He grows." My prayer is rhar rhe Lord will bless you "exceedingly abundantly above all rhar you could ask or think" as you serve Him! Chris Miller
To rhe class of 1983: As rhe songwrirer has shored:
Ginny Newron Dean Of Women
"We hove on anchor rhar keeps rhe soul Sreadfasr and sure while rhe billows roll. Fasrened ro rhe Rock which cannor move, Grounded firm and deep in rhe Saviour's love." -Priscilla J. Owens
"Therefore my beloved brerhren, be ye sreadfasr, unmovoble, always abounding in rhe work of rhe Lord, forasmuch as ye know rhar your labour is nor in vain in rhe Lord." 1 Cor. 15:58 May rhis be a class firmly grounded in rhe Word, sreadfasr in rhe work of rhe Lord, and rejoicing in opporruniries rhar lie ahead. Go forrh vicrorious for Him! Ginny Newron
M A D Q s e r s Q 9 • I n o s r O C Q f o n n r W r o Q m d
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"Now rhe God of hope fill you wirh all joy and peace . . . rhar ye may abound in hope, Through rhe power of rhe Holy Ghosr." Rom. 15:13 As you leave rhe Bible Insrirure, you musr be conrinuolly renewed in rhis hope. Ir will be quire easy ro become discouraged when Things oren'r happening rhe way rhar we wanr rhem ro. Conrinue ro rhank God rhar He is rhe God of hope ". . . for God harh nor given us rhe spirir of fear,- bur of power and of love, and of a sound mind ..." I know whom I hove believed - rhe God - nor of despondency, bur of hope. Margo Conrad
Tom Davis: Academic Dean Charles Dickens begins his famous TALE OF TWO CITIES wirh rhe quote: "If was rhe besr of rimes, ir was rhe worsr of rimes, ir was rhe age of wisdom, ir was rhe age of foolishness, ir was rhe epoch of belief, ir was rhe epoch of incredulity, ir was rhe season of light, ir was rhe season of darkness, ir was rhe spring of hope, ir was rhe winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us ... Perhaps you have felr this way in rhe pasr or perhaps even now. I pray that rhe sure foundation of God's Word, which you received this year ar rhe Bible Institute, will see you through rhe rough rimes of life. Dickens wrote about rhe bloody French Revolution. Historians tell us that England was spared from rhe same revolution because of rhe preaching of John Wesley and George Whirefield. May you, in rhe light of eternity, produce rhe same result in your generation! Tom Davis
Roy Namie Director Of Evangelism Class of '83 . . .
"Finally, brethren, pray for us, rhar rhe Word of rhe Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as ir is wirh you . . . Bur rhe Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil." II Thess. 3:1, 3. Thanks for being faithful in fulfilling your ministries. I truly appreciate and love each one of you and your commitment ro Jesus Christ. Don't quit. Go our of here and make Him known ro a desperately needy world, rhe world you live in, and for which He died. Ray Namie
Sometimes we wish Linus' remarks, os he warched Snoopy crying over o melring snowman, weren't so rrue: "Poor Snoopy . . . I see he's losr another friend . . . it's too bad. He's so sensitive." And even though partings do bring a kind of sorrow, they also bring a sense of great joy. For I know that many of you will step our and do great things for God. Snoopy's snowman melted, never to be heard of again! Don't let this be rrue of you. Stand steadfast and unmoveable in spire of the hear of God's resting, for we hove no greater joy than to hear that our friends ore walking in truth. Marshall Wicks
Marshall Wicks Insrrucror
Paul Bubar Director S.I.C.
Fran Business
Welch Manager
Mark Rindal Public Relations Director
Guy Swarrwour Bookstore Manager
Brian Donley Music Director
Lindo Ramsey Staff Nurse
Sharon Tolliver Financial Secretary Yearbook Advisor
Miriam Srark Admissions, Secretary To Dean
Shirley Richards Academic Secretary
Lynnerra Drown Receptionist
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Durr Powell Food Service Director
Jackie Vebber Secretary
Jim Harvey
Jim Dise
Sreve Drosinski
Mike Dush
Glen Slorhower
Dob McFodden
Paul Dilger
George Scurlock Direaor of Central Maintenance
Ladean Lacasse
Ron Wyrrzen
Herb Winters
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Dole Heckman
George Slothower
Ken Lacasse
Dob 5mirh
Dove Dorman
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Graham Dusrin
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch os ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. I Corinthians 15:58
Terry Martin
Scott Freeman
Guest Lecturers
Thomas Taylor Associate Professor of O.T. Biblical Theological Seminary
Renald E. Showers Professor Philadelphia College of Bible
David Wyrrzen Pastor Midlothian Bible Church
Paul Brownback President Citadel Bible College
Throughout this year we hove hod the privilege to sit under the reaching ministry of various pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers. Each personally invested of themselves into our lives, that we may know the Lord of the Bible more intimately. Although the lecturers could only visit for o short while, we will always remember the truths of the Bible, for they, through faith, conform us to the image of Jesus. Lord, may we never disregard your inspired words and the men of God who revealed them to us.
Charles Ryrie Chairman, Dept, of Systematic Theology Dallas Theological Seminary
Thomas O. Figarr Chairman, Bible Depr. Lancasrer Bible College
Carlos Pinros Academic Dean WOL Bible Insrirure, Brazil
Randall Faulkner Pasror, Calvary Baptist Church Covington, KY
Ernie Godshall Pasror, North Vernon Bible Baptist North Vernon, IN
W. Wilbert Welch President Grand Rapids Baptist College
John C. Whitcomb Director of Doctrinal Studies Grace Theolgical Seminary
David Hillis Director WOL Australia
Daniel Gelarr Pastor, Firsr Daprisr Church Elkhart, IN
John White Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church Grand Rapids, Ml
J. Ronald Blue Chairman, World Missions Dept. Dallas Theological Seminary
Jack Murray Chairman of Board Biblical Theological Seminary
"A Wise Man Will Hear, And Will Increase Learning; And A Man Of Understanding Shall Attain Unto Wise Counsels." Proverbs 1:5
Wendell Colder Evangelist, Director Local Church Evangelism, Inc.
MATCHING: 1. Ir was a dark and srormy nighr . . . 2. Take our a clean sheer of paper. 3. Your snow comp assignment ore now posred. 4. Good morning, gals! 1... . Before you con soy,"Jock Robinson . . 8. Yes, ladies and genrlemen, rhere will be wearher! 9. Now, I'm nor biased, bur I do have rhe mosr beauriful daughrer! 10. Yours, on rhe Vicrory Side! 5. Ir's birrhday nighr "A-gain!" 6. I hod a dream lasr nighr . . .
Mr. Wicks Mr. Page
Miss Newron Snoopy Horry Bollback
Joe Schenke Jock Wyrrzen Mr. Namie
Mr. Davis Mr. Miller
January 1982
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’ Peggy Bullock
Rhonda Corr
Robyn Crowley
James Ferguson
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Roy Jordan
Al Lamberr
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Tony Mayo
Denise Martelle
Peggy Lindsey
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Broote ffroxler
Gerald Smith
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Nor Pictured: Heidi Church Mary Melron
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Relda Vesr
Brenda mode
Karen Underhill
Kirry Lam
Nalisa Gembe
Jackie LaPoinr
Martha Larhan
Bruce Manning
Mark McNutt
Kaye Sanford
Eugene Stout
Not Pictured: Mary Soucier
Kip Walter
Nancy, Wenrzeli
September 1983
■ '
Elizoberh Allen
Ned Adonri
James Adams
Hearher Adams
Debbie Ash
Michael Anderson
Greg Anderson
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Susan Banisrer
Donald Baldwin
James Bickers
Joan Bond
Down Booth
Barbara Brown
Eric Boutielier
Debbie Bowen
Nancy Branrner
Jay Burcher
Brian Burke
Curris Buiskool
Tracey Bruce
Roger Carrer
Brian Callahan
Donald Colder
Bill Calabro
Jeff Cerny
Tony Cavell
k ;
Christina Chase
Margaret Cesler
Diane Cooper
Bill Corier
Howard Cox
Jack Cox
Stephen Cox
Richard Craige
Kim Currier
Alison Cuilis
Charies Crook
Laurie Daley
Scon Davis
Kathleen Dalenberg
Gerry Dill
Valerie Dill
* •
Mark Dodgson
Don Donaldson
Kenneth Dodge
Dave Dixon
Sreve Durham
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Barbra Eklund
Brian Esposiro
George Farrell
Carolyn Erickson
Brian Engle
Suzanna Finan
Aorhony Fields
Wendy Faurh
Laura Firrs
Chris Fournier
Cathy Wrens
Robert Freeman
Don Frederick
Daniel Frazeur
Julie Garber
Dominic Frurouzo
Lynne Gonier
Michael Goad
Joy Goerrzen
Dan Golin
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Brian Gower
Tonya Goushaw
Susan Goodwin
Cindy Grennel
Jessie Graves
Thomas Graham
Karhy Gower
William Grubbs Irw* V sA v ■{•§?« IfM mKy; Hill
Laura Hambly
Judirh Happe
Michele Harlow
Darryl Hardin
Todd Hendricks
Jack Hennesey
Sherry Hepworrh
Connie Hile
Faye Hoppensredr
Michael Holron
Dernaderre Holron
Mike Hobbs
Gory Jacobs
Kerry Hunrer
Ryan Huffman
Lori Horron
Andrew Keyes
Ralph Johnson
Orion Kilmer
Colleen Kilby
Sreve Kim
Maria King
Scorr King
Ken Klinko
Diane Kirch
Daniel Kirk
Heidi Larson
Daniel Langiess
G regory! Kropar
Alen Korhonen
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Shannon Lee
Claudia LeComre
Gary Lauderbaugh
Robin Lemieux
Linda Lemieux
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LeeAni! Linharr
Kevin Lerhers
M ortho Lutz
Dawn Longenecker
Leslie Locke
Karen MocLeon
Amy Machakos
Lynne Marchacos
James MocQuorrie
Richard Martens
William Marshall
Paul Marino
James Markham
| • • 1 1H . H
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Carl McClure
Donald McCaslin
Susan Motherly
Donna Martin
Laurie McKim
Par Mclnrosh
Dave McGeorge
Carmell McElroy
Srar McNurr
James McMahon
M l
Ed Mitchell
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Suzanne Meed
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John Morris
David Moore
Kevin Moida
Donna Mofferr
Kathy Jo Murphy
Ann Morrison
Ruth Nozorion
Nicholas Nervo
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Linda Olivera
Theresa Palizay
Tom Nesbirr
John Norris
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Sharon Piercey
Elinor Pfaff
Diana Perreys
Cathy Parks
Howard Pirrsley
John Paul Powers
Wilma Posrma
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Donnie Presley
Robert Quelch
Robert Roy
Debbie Ragan
Paul Reimers
John Reimer
Dawn Reehl
Korhy Reams
Stanley Rodrigues
Miguel Rivera
Randall Richardson
Sheldon Reisr
. ^ne Rorr
Renee Rolfe Sm < < / / / . V y .•.* . *I y* , v. y W
Wendy Rodrigues
Brian Rogers
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H H f
William Samson
Chris Saari
Jon Schaedel
Cindy Sawyer
Angelo Sexron
Donna Sergi
Amy Slusher
Mory Sideborham
Jane Slusher
Amy Smirh
Mory Smirh
Barb Snyder
Tammy Spinney
David Srarke
Pam Srillman
Robin Sreindle
Lisa Srarosdak
Paul Srrour
Kris Swenson
1 ' • 1
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' *■
Elisso Walck
Gelana Trour
Fred Wallace
Shawn Walkner
Donnie Warrender
Robert Wallace
Roselyn Wallace
Krissy Warner
Heather Welch
James Weber
Dave Welch
Sandra Weaver
Debby Whire
Stephanie White
Chris White
James Wessing
Ron Whittier
Jeanette Williams
» • *
Judith Wilson
V i
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Sharon Zimmerman
David Young
Chris Young
: b .
Jeff Worcester
Nor Pictured: Desi Powell Timothy Sperry
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Valerie Fausey
Jay Covaili
Rod Clarke
Clayron Burch
Guy Baldwin
Judy Francis
Brian Goss
Jennie Jayne
Janer Jordan
Jinn Laidlaw
. . .
Front: C. Smirh, 5 Walkner, 1 Gabriels, C. Evans, K Thompson, T. Hassell Middle: C. Cormier, C. Holland, J. Kauffman, T. Trowbridge, M. Murray, S. Logan, S. Hastings, P. Dooher, C. Mishler, P. Sorenson Dads: D. Bengle, W. Mallory, B. Heck, L Ebanks, D. Brown, E, Hastings, M. Salisbury,
Gary Allard
Edward Gardes
Kenneth Holt
Larry Manhardt
Eric Myers
Dwight Stone
Word of Life School of Yourh Ministries is a nine-month program offering classroom instruction in the development, philosophy, and methodology of yourh work. The program is structured to provide extensive training in leadership skills and personal development. Two quarters of academic training and preparation are separated by one quarter of practical internship experience under the supervi sion of a full-time yourh or church worker.
• i t
September 1983
Suzanne Davis
John Buker
Elaine Alexander
Karrien Broekema
Richard Grahame
Sandee Fowler
v O - ^ - y ;
Douglas Henderson
Brian Headdings
Stephen Hobbs
Jeanne Hohulin
Michelle Holrmann
Berzina Hersk
James Kolar
Scorr Kendall
Melody Johnson
Brian Hurlburr
Elaine Malone
Rebecca Norris
Jackie Murphy
Marianne Pearson
Susan Prescher
Rebekah Rarhbun
Anrhony Rizzo ,
Sracy Ray
Cynrhio Thoin
Srephen Theis
Joseph Schenke
John Zabriskie
Melissa Williams
David Wilcox
forth her hands in compassion. She is nor afraid of rhe snow ar Schroon Lake for she wearerh her long johns; her dorm-mares also are clothed wirh foorie pajamas!! Her husband is srill unknown for he hiderh in rhe SYM classroom. She makerh demerit slips and delivererh them ro Miss Newton. Dresses and skirrs are her clothing, bur she will wear blue jeans in rime ro come. She openerh her mourh with announcements and in her rongue is rhe law of rhe Handbook. She lookerh well ro rhe ways of rhe srudenrs, and earerh nor rhe soup ar lunch rime. Her girls rise up and call her nick names; her husband would, bur he is srill hiding! Many srudenrs have done virruously, bur our dorm supes excell rhem all. Name rags are deceitful and work hours are vain, bur a dorm supe rhar is consisrenr, she shall be praised!- Dy Jeanne Hohulin (SYM '83) 69
Who con find a virruous dorm supe? For her price is for above ruirion; The hearts of rhe Deans do safely rrusr in her, so rhar rhey shall have no worry of broken dress-codes. She will do her dorm-mares good and nor evil during all rhe days of SYM; She seekerh dusr and messiness, and wrirerh willingly wirh her hands. She is like rhe Deli van, she bringerh goodies from rhe Snak Shak. She riserh also while ir is yer study hours, and giverh peanur burrer to each room and a. portion ro rhe mice. She considererh her homework and doerh ir. Wirh rhe hostess or her table she lookerh for name rags. She girderh her loins ar gym class and srrengrhenerh herself wirh aerobics. She perceiverH rhar her judgement is good; her candle goerh our ar 10:45! She srrercherh our her hand ro give rhe answer, yea she reacherh
Dr. Sherrill Babb- Hisrory b Inrroducrion To Yourh and Chrisrian Education- President, Philadelphia College of Bible Rev. Paul Bubar- Chrisrian Day School-Director, W.O.L. Clubs Mrs. Shirley Bubar-Chrisrian Womanhood Rev. M.A. Burler- Methods and Materials Assistant Director, W.O.L. Clubs Rev. Mike Calhoun- W.O.L. and the Local Church Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Miss Margo Conrad- Public Speaking Ass'r. Dean of Women, W.O.L.B.I. Mr. Roy Davoll- Yourh in the Local Church Intn'l Director, Olympian Program - . Mr. Tom Davis- Contemporary Problems,- 1 b 2 Thess., Homiletics Instruc tor, W.O.L.B.I. Dr. Roger Ellison- Hisrory b Inrroducrion To Yourh and Chrisrian Education- Exec. Vice Pres., Bapr. Univ. of America Dr. Tom Figarr- Contemporary Problems Chairman, Bible Dept., Lancas ter Bible College Rev. Frank Geremia- Family-Associate Pastor, Perth Bible Church, Perth, NY Mr. Gary Holden- Yourh in the Local Church Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Rev. Barry Holohan- Counseling Yourh W.O.L. Evangelist Rev. Don Kinzer- Chrisrian Leadership Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Rev. Lou Nicholes- Chrisrian Leadership Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Mr. Art Nazigan- Chrisrian Day School-Headmaster, The Christian Acade my Dr. Elmer Towns- Yourh in The Local Church Dean, Liberty Baptist ' Seminary Rev. Wayne VanderWier- Hisrory b Inrroducrion To Yourh and Chrisrian Education- Pastor, South Park Bapr. Church, Crown Point, IN Dr. John White- Organization b Administration of the Local Church- Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Ml Mr. Marshall Wicks- 2 Corinthians,- Homiletics,- 1, 2, 3 John Instructor, W .O.L.B.I. Mr. Chris Miller- Jeremiah Instructor, W.O.L.B.I.
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Thanksgiving Day, rhe Valenrine's Danquer and rhe Spring Banquer were some of rhe special evenrs rhar were en joyed during rhe school rerm. Several couples had rhe opporruniry ro go on rhe Israel rour in March. The physical educarion class for "marrieds" provided a varied program including baskerball, volleyball and exer cise, plus a good rime of fellowship. This group of earnesr srudenrs has played a special parr in our school year. Each new semesrer has found several more srudenrs in arrendance. Their eagerness for learning rhe Word of God has been very obvious. They have had a desire ro place rheir furure in acrive Chrisrian service, and whar berrer place is rhere ro seek God's Word rhan ar WOLBI.
The married srudenr body was very acrive during rhe school year. Married srudenr advisor, Ray Nannie, made rhe "marrieds" feel welcomed by arranging several ger-ro- gerhers before rhe acrual beginning of classes in Seprember. This gave rhe srudenrs a chance ro ger acquainred wirh one anorher. The married srudenrs ofren gor involved in exrro-curriculor acriviries during rhe semesrers. Several srudenrs arrended rhe Open Air Minisrry in New York Ciry. Their reporr was very favorable. Some srarred prayer groups or joined rhe groups already formed on campus. They parricipared in comperirive sporrs evenrs. Among Those were foorball and soccer. A special evening ar rhe Inn was held for rhe married srudenrs. Ir was a very fine dinner meering. Hobo Nighr,
Rod and Susan Clarke, Denise, Sheri, Michelle
Roger and Barbara Carrer
Jim and Par Bickers, Kimberly, Danny, Brian, Lerisha
Kennerh and Joan Dodge, Cheryl
Gerry and Gail Dill, Carhy, Amy
Jay and Gloria Covalli, David, Daniel, Jason
Mark and Valery Dodgson
Don and Peggy Donaldson, Chrisro- pher, Aimee
Anrhony and Lori Fields, Lee Ann
Brian and Judy Gower, Jamie, Heorher
Richard and Annie Grohome, Jason, Kelly Jo
Bill and Lynnerre Grubbs, Mary, Mike,
Allen and Sher Hastings, Shilo, Halerra,
Brian and Nancy Headdings
Zechorioh, Mellissa
Calvin and Eileen Hosrerrer, Narhan, Doyle, Jessica, Craig
Mike and Bernadette Holron
Nor Pictured: Gary and Diane Tea- chour, Alicia, Stephen
Stanley and Bonnie Presley, Caleb, Sarah, Jonarhan
Kir and Linda James
Richard and Lynne Truesdell, Sa mantha, Kathrine, Michaelene
Robert and Roselyn Wallace, Pame- lyn
Sorhy and Ranirh Trang
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The job of o dorm supervi sor enrolls o greor deal of exrra responsibility, for rhese srudenrs ore expected to be leaders and examples to the rest of the student body. We wish to thank them for the port they hove hod in teaching us discipline, and for helping us in our spiritual growth.
Front: J. Groves, E. Pfaff, C. Hile, N. Gembe, T. John, K. Sanford, R. Lemieux, S. Meed, C. Fournier, S. Schorsch, W. Faurh, K. Lorn, Dock: P. Marino, M. Hobbs, C. Duiskool, R. Palmer, T. Cavell,. S. Rodriques, J. Norris, J. Laidlaw, J. Dulmage, G. Farrell, S. Englehardr, H. Pirrsley- Foreign Srudenrs
These students come from all parts of the world to in vest this year at Word Of Life. Though we all hove come from different back grounds and places, this we hove in common: We are one in the family of God.
Front: S. Peterson. S. Cox, J. Reimer, R. Thomson, Middle: V. Dill, D. Holton, J. Li, J. Dulmage, J. Weber, S. Meed, M. Elliot, L. McKim, R. Guambi, Back: M. Holton, T. Hassell, J. Norris, A. Keyes, G. Anderson, D. McGeorge, S. Kim, D. Colder, M. Dodgson
Did you ever wonder who was responsible for rhe decor of all our special events? Right from rhe planning stage, these students worked to create center pieces, wall murals, back-drops, and sev eral other decorations which ad ded to the overall atmosphere of our social activities.
Fronr: S. Weaver, D. Eklund, K. MocLeon, P. Mclnrosh, J. Hoppe, A. Mochocos, L Linhorr, D. Drown, E. Pfaff, Dock; C. Boudreau, V. Garafola, M. Hobbs, 5. Durham, P. Marino, J. Radford, S. Walkner, M. Delp, STUDENT COUNCIL
Front: P. Marino-Treasurer, J. Happe-Vice President, Missions, Chairman, M. Hobbs-Presidenr, M. Delp-Secrerary Dock: J. Nor- ris-Chaplain, E. Pfaff-Missions Secretory, D. Moore-Missions Presi dent At the beginning of the yeor, we os a Student Body, elected these students to be responsible for the organization of Ban quets, Conferences, and our many other activities throughout the year. They worked diligently behind the scenes to moke all of these events successful.
For the LORD giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh knowl edge and understanding. He loyeth up sound wisdom for the righteous; he is a shield to those who walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of justice, and preserverh the w ay of his saints. Proverbs 2:6, 7, 8
Proyerbond Leaders
Prayer bands were an inte gral parr of campus life rhis year, as concerned students met together to discuss and pray for their specific area of concern. This would nor have been possible without faithful and consistent lead ership. Thank you prayer band leaders.
Front: T. Cavell, V. Garafola, J. Ansley, N. Adanti, R. Palmer, T. Graham, M. Dodgson, Middle: E Allen, A Rorr, H. Welch, W. Fourh, R Chose, R. Lemieux, E. Pilarczyk, C. Hile, Dock: S. Walkner, D Welch, S. Smyrhe, M. Hobbs, S. King, D. McCoslin, J. Markham, C. Crook, C. Young, C. McClure, S. Coores
100 Mile Club
The average student has difficulty acquiring aerobic points, but this group of young people are dedi cated to keeping fit. They have endured the rain, snow and mud as part of their year here at WOLBI and have come our on top by running 100 miles in one quarter.
Front: T. Cavell, D. Samson, W. Faurh, M. Lutz, M. Elliot, S. Sperry, D. Martin, D. White, J. Butcher, T. Childers, C. Boudreau, S. Durham, Back: J. Norris, D. Frazeur, D. Still, C. Buiskool, S. Coates, J. Wessing, R. Thomson, P. Reimers, R. Craig, J. Reimer, S. Cox, J. Morris R Cox B Callahan. R. Richardson
Basketball At Word Of Life Snow Camp 1983, bas ketball was the name of the game! Ev ery Saturday found our reams in compe tition with teens from o number of churches. They also hod occassion to march their skills with other Christian schools. These gomes served os on op portunity for our guys and girls to excel spiritually, os well os physically, by main taining Christ-like attitudes in the midst of o competitive atmosphere. The guys were 11-2, while the girls went undefeat ed.
Front: D. Longnecker, N. Janho, N. Brantner, N. Gembe, A. Sexton, D. Sergi, Bock: S. Goodwin, L. Horton, S. Hepworth, K. Gower, D. Bowen
Front: T. Good, J. Farrell, 5. Davis, J. Ansley, M. Goad, Dock: D. Freeman, J. Schaedel, R. Craig, D. Stitt, R. Cox, K. Molda, Coach - R. Nannie
Front: A. Lindmark, D. Frederick, J. Ansley, C. Swenson, C. Doudreou, C. Dull Middle: Direcror-D. Donley, R. Croig, S. Reisr, D. Frozeur, T. Polizoy, D. McCoslin, N. Dronrner Dock: K. Dolenberg, J Dyksrro, R. Nozorion, S. Banister, L. Lemieux, D. Moffett, R. Lemieux
The Word Of Life Pep Bond ployed a virol role in snow comp—These ralenred srudenrs kepr rhe en thusiasm high wirh rheir lively music! Snow Comp jusr wouldn'r hove been rhe same wirhour rhem! Thank you, Mr. Donley and rhe 1983 Pep Bond.
Our year or WOLBI has been blessed through rhe ministry of many fine singers and musicians. The Men of Melody and Jeannie and Janer Hall come os representatives of Tennessee Temple University during rhe first week of March. While here, they brought us o beautiful message in song for our morning chapel. Thor some month, Billy and Poulo Speer-always o favorite or Word Of Life—topped off rhe winter quarter with their concert.
Martha Lurz
Rick Craig
We have found it a challenge ro work on the 1983 "Open Door". Our staff of four, along with our advisor, Miss Tolliver, began working in October and have been going strong ever since! As we set our to meet our deadlines, from pictures, ro copy, to layouts, we began to see the yearbook raking shape. It was always exciting when the proofs came back and we were able ro see how the final pages were going to look! We thank the Lord for this opportu nity we have had to learn and work together as a team.
Elisso Walck
A special thanks is due to the following people: Miss Tolliver for taking time out of her busy schedule to advise us. Mr. Davis for utilizing his skills in taking our student formats. Mr. Miller for breaking in his brand new Nikon EM camera on yearbook candids. Berzi Hersk for contributing her rime to doing the entire SYM section. Dill Calabro for the ex cellent job he did on copy, especially The Bible Conference, Snow Camp, and the visiting lec turers. Jeff Cerny for the dedication page write up. Jessie Graves for her writing contribution. And all the others who pitched in ro help make this yearbook a reality.
Do you hove any film for me? Hove any ads come in? When is our nexr deadline? Did you ger any pictures from Rick? What hove we yer ro do?
Happiness Is
Snow Comp "83" "Nor unro us, O LORD, nor unro us, bur unro rhy name give glory, for rhy mercy and for rhy rrurh's soke." Psalm 115:1 This mosr odequerly defines rhe minisrry accomplished Through Word of Life Snow Comp 1983. From rhe Word of God preached by rhe comp speakers, ro rhe wirness and resrimony of rhe comping sraff, rhis rheme was ser forrh: "Wirhour rhe Lord Jesus Chrisr, life, or irs besr, is a loss." Many yourhs who came wirhour hope of life, dead in sins, left renewed, having believed on Jesus Chrisr os Savior and Lord! Many orhers, already Chrisrians, made imporranr com- mirmenrs concerning rhe Lordship of Jesus Chrisr in specific areas of rheir lives! As for rhe camping sraff, rhey, roo, were challenged ro show forrh rhe working of God from wirhin rheir lives. Wherher ir was in rhe midsr of cabin devorions, shoveling snow, rhing-a-majigs, wairing rabies, one-on-one counseling, or keeping rhe fireplaces going, commirmenr of fairh is rhar which cannor be compromised in rhe day of resring. Snow camp, 1982, served as a reminder ro borh srudenrs and campers rhar life in Jesus Chrisr can be one of vicrory and praise, even in rhe mosr unusual of circumsrances! . . . Bur unro rhy name give glory, O LORD!"
Moke q joyful noise unro God, all ye lands: Sing forth rhe honor of his name: moke his praise glorious. Psalm 66:1,2
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Being in Collegians has been a real blessing for each of us, and a special port of our year here at WOLBI. Ministering God's Word through music is o way to reach people of all ages. We hove really been able to see God using us—especially throughr rhe musicals, "God's Portrait of Love" and "The Passion Play." We've had the privilege of seeing many accept Christ as their personal Savior. Another special parr of our ministry was singing at WOLBI and in many local churches. We've met so many people who truly love rhe Lord! We thank the Lord for the opportunities He's given us this past year, and we give Him rhe glory! Psalm 100 Barbara Snyder
It was both on honor and o privilege to be a member of rhe 1983 Word Of Life Collegians. I never knew God could use music in such a tremendous way. Doth my understanding of and love for Christ grew through the performances of the ploys we presented. The weekends of traveling to various churches gave me' on opportunity to teach os well as witness to the various hosts I stayed with. It has truly been o wonderful blessing to be o port of this ministry. Kevin Lerhers
Being in rhe Collegians was a valuable experience for me. Ir meanr being prepared ar all rimes ro give your besr and your all, no matter if you were singing, acring, reaching a lesson, or jusr ironing curtains. Aside from all rhe Traveling and performing, my favorire aspect was rhe bus rides ro and from each place. Ir afforded us rhe opporruniry ro ger ro know and appreciare each orher on a more personal level rhan we ever could ar school wirh our busy schedules. Somerimes we'd sing or have group devorions. We always looked forward ro shoring srories abour rhe houses we'd srayed in and abour how rhe Lord had used our minisrry ro bring people ro Himself. Ir was exciring ro be involved in a group where no one is working for rheir own glory or gain, bur where all are working rogerher for rhe sole purpose of glorifying Jesus Chrisr in every acrion. He is rhe very reason for our singing and He is rhe rheme of every song we sing. Amy Slusher
Being in Collegians has broadened my perspecrive. Meering new people, sraying overnighr in homes, singing in resr homes and various churches have all played a special parr in rhis unique minisrry. Tour meanr: never getting rired, are rhe lighrs ser? and many quesrions of rhar sorr, living our of a suircase, and meering all kinds of people. Collegians is a minisrry involving people, wherher ir be fellowship as we rravel rogerher or rhe joy of seeing someone respond and receive Chrisr. Ir all means meering peoples' needs Through Chrisr. To Him be all rhe glory.
Special Thanks ro: Jack Wyrrzen- for his rime and help Harry Bollback- for his insrrucrion and encouragmenr Mrs. Scurlock- for her hard work on cosrumes Mrs. Davoll- for her dramaric insrrucrion Miss Newron, Dave Dorman, Mr. & Mrs. Chure, Caroline Howell, Mainrenance crews, Truck and bus drivers for all rheir rime And all Those who upheld us in prayer.
Jack Hennesey 11 Timorhy 1:7
Open Air Campaigners
And he said unto rhem, Go ye inro all the world, and preach rhe gospel ro every creature. Mark 16:15
OAC is rhe mosr effective way ro wirness. This minisrry helps every believer ro realize how powerful and how merciful God really is God also reaches you how ro love orhers (Chrisrion and non-Chrisrian alike) rhe way He loves rhem. God causes you
ro have mercy on rhese souls rhar ore headed for hell. "Children really don'r understand all this religion bit." more love for God than most grown-ups do.
Thar statement is an outright lie. These children have more faith and
Praise rhe Lord for rhis greor minisrry. Thanks ro Chris Schroeder, Arr Williams, Chuck Williams, and George Noggy. May rhe Lord continue to bless those who work mightily for him.
I Corinthians 15:58 Donnie Warrender
OAC was a great experience. I praise God rhar He gave me the opportunity to go on OAC. I learned that I must pay my total trust in Him and He will use me effectively. It was so awesome to see adults and children come to know Christ, and that it wasn't me who did it, but Christ that workerh in me! I loved it! Diane Kirch
I really rhank rhe Lord for o ministry like Open Air Campaigners and for people who hove dedicated their lives to this. I m thankful that I've hod rhe privilege to go to New York City twice this year with OAC, to do childrens meetings, pass our tracts, and give my testimony or adult meetings. OAC is life changing and it has changed my life. Until I come to WOLBII hod never heard of OAC before, so I didn't know whor to expect and I was o little scored. At first rhe siqhrs of rhe city overwhelmed me and rhe reality of how strong soron's powers really were mode me afraid to wont to witness After going to o few meetings, I starred to see beyond rhe filth of rhe dry os I sow oil those children willing to hear, and adults searching for something in life. As we're our on rhe streets, in rhe subways, in projects, and in Time Square, we become owore that oil rhe cults ore our there and that these people won't hear rhe truth unless we tell them. OAC really taught me rhe power of prayer and that I hove to depend on God alone for strength, courage and protection God showed me that if I was willing, He could use "m e". It was a real joy to see young kids, teens, and adults get saved on rhe streets because we were willing to trust God and step our ond witness to them. Being rejected by some was nor always easy, bur the few unpleasant words we hod to pur up with were nothing compared to what these people will go through if they don'r hear rhe gospel and accept Christ. It wasn't until after I went on OAC that I got a real burden for souls. But at night as you leave the city and as you look post rhe water and see all the lights and know that there are more people there than lights and most of them ore lost, I can t help but want to qo and tell them what Christ has done for them. * Ephesians 6:12,18,19 Maria King
Special thanks to: Mike Bush, Jim Harvey, Miss Conrad, Mr. Wicks, and Mr. Namie for giving so freely of their time to go along with the OAC groups to rhe city. All those who supported us in prayer.
Perth Bible Church Associate Pastors: Frank Geremia, Jr., Robert Calhoun, Mario Tarasiuk, Dean Wood, Robert Fischer, Amsterdam, NY
Front: P, Pay, L. Firrs, D. Srark, C. Durch, J. Farrell, J. Morris, T. Childers Middle: C. Spellen, IV Chose, L Linhorr, K. Dory, M. Cesler, M. Sideborham, L. Morchocos, A. Mochocos, C. White, T. Li, T. Chick, M. Elliot, L. Olivera Dock: J. Adams, D. Callabro, J Worsrer, S. Wood, W. Wervo, D. Moore, M. Rivero, D. Fisher, D. Ash, G. Anderson, R, Tibbirs, D. Fruruozo, E. Pfaff
Serving the Lord on the bus ministry at Perth Bible Church has been, to us, a teacher of Christian responsibility. Be a council to the child, leading him through the inspired path of God's Word. Submit ourselves under the ad visory of the Church staff as an asset. Heed the call to fairhfullness from God, echoing "Let no one look down on your youthfullness, bur rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and puri ty, show yourself and example of those who believe. I Timothy 4:12
As the bus rolled into Perth Bible Church each weekend, I anticipated the two days ahead. Each weekend had been uniquely different. Seeing the faces of the kids we visited each Saturday made me realize how im portant this ministry is. Each of us that came to Perth from WOLBI shared a unity unlike any oth er. I am so very thankful for Perth Bible Church and their ministry to me. Margaret Cesler
"Declaring unto you the testimony of God" I Cor. 2:1 This describes Perth Bible Church in Amsterdam, New York. A group of about 25 students, every Saturday Morning, hove the privilege of travel ling to this local church to become a port of its ministry. The church has a fairly large attendance, made up mosrly of those young people and adults who are brought in on the bus ministry on Sunday Mornings. During the service, we WOLBI students have the pleasure of serving, along with the church members, in various Sun day School programs for all ages, from infants, to teens, including spe cial needs people. I thank God that I have the opportuni ty to be in the Perth ministry, where God has given me a part in helping with the Jr. Church class, deaf ministry and bus ministry. It's a great place to be!
Bill Calabro Psalm 19:14
Roberta Chase
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