Perth Bible Church Associate Pastors: Frank Geremia, Jr., Robert Calhoun, Mario Tarasiuk, Dean Wood, Robert Fischer, Amsterdam, NY
Front: P, Pay, L. Firrs, D. Srark, C. Durch, J. Farrell, J. Morris, T. Childers Middle: C. Spellen, IV Chose, L Linhorr, K. Dory, M. Cesler, M. Sideborham, L. Morchocos, A. Mochocos, C. White, T. Li, T. Chick, M. Elliot, L. Olivera Dock: J. Adams, D. Callabro, J Worsrer, S. Wood, W. Wervo, D. Moore, M. Rivero, D. Fisher, D. Ash, G. Anderson, R, Tibbirs, D. Fruruozo, E. Pfaff
Serving the Lord on the bus ministry at Perth Bible Church has been, to us, a teacher of Christian responsibility. Be a council to the child, leading him through the inspired path of God's Word. Submit ourselves under the ad visory of the Church staff as an asset. Heed the call to fairhfullness from God, echoing "Let no one look down on your youthfullness, bur rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and puri ty, show yourself and example of those who believe. I Timothy 4:12
As the bus rolled into Perth Bible Church each weekend, I anticipated the two days ahead. Each weekend had been uniquely different. Seeing the faces of the kids we visited each Saturday made me realize how im portant this ministry is. Each of us that came to Perth from WOLBI shared a unity unlike any oth er. I am so very thankful for Perth Bible Church and their ministry to me. Margaret Cesler
"Declaring unto you the testimony of God" I Cor. 2:1 This describes Perth Bible Church in Amsterdam, New York. A group of about 25 students, every Saturday Morning, hove the privilege of travel ling to this local church to become a port of its ministry. The church has a fairly large attendance, made up mosrly of those young people and adults who are brought in on the bus ministry on Sunday Mornings. During the service, we WOLBI students have the pleasure of serving, along with the church members, in various Sun day School programs for all ages, from infants, to teens, including spe cial needs people. I thank God that I have the opportuni ty to be in the Perth ministry, where God has given me a part in helping with the Jr. Church class, deaf ministry and bus ministry. It's a great place to be!
Bill Calabro Psalm 19:14
Roberta Chase
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