Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983


Missions Conference "How Beautiful ore rhe feer" was rhe rheme of rhe 1983 Missions Conference. The workshops ond general sessions emphasized rhe imporronce of people ro rhe proclomorion of rhe gospel. Many missionaries come ro shore rheir work wirh rhe sru- denrs or rhe Bible Insrirure, ond ro shore rhe grear need for orhers ro be obedienr ro rhe Word and shore rhe gospel of Chrisr across rhe world. Al Larson, our key-nore speaker, shored many o challenge ond many experiences of his rime on rhe mission field wirh us each day. A highlighr of rhe conference was rhe Inrernarional Bonquer held on Tuesday evening, January 4, 1983. Special dishes were prepared ro represenr differenr counrries around rhe world. The conference was broughr ro a climax when we, os srudenrs, pledged our supporr ro missions rhrough foirh promises. Our gaol of $37,000 was reached; we are now endeavoring ro send rhe money our by fulfilling our individ­ ual promises.


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