Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

1983 Spring Bible Conference II Corinrhians 4:18 "We look nor or rhe Things which are seen, bur or rhe rhings which ore nor seen, for rhe rhings which ore seen are Temporal, bur rhe rhings which are nor seen ore erernol.'' This year's Bible Conference has shoured "Yes!" in agreemenr wirh rhis verse of scriprure! We musr follow afrer Those rhings which hove erernol impacr, high value, wirhin rhis Temporal sociery we live in. The following men spoke on These aspecrs of God's word: Dr. Jock Wyrrzen and George Theis exhorred us ro live wirhour compromise—in These lasr days, we ore ro "obey fully rhe command of rhe Lord." Dr. Clarence Didden expounded upon prophecy abour God's sovereignry in rhis presenr day, and His plans for rhe ages. Our immediare response ro rhis is ro spread ro oil rhe gospel of salvarion. Dr. Elmer Towns Talked on rhe principles of working fairh, challeng­ ing us os rhe body of Chrisr ro pur whar we hove inro acrion. Whar a mighry "lever" God has placed inro our hands! Georgi Vins, one of rhe many Chrisrians persecured behind rhe Iron Currain, encouraged us, Through his resrimony of fairh, ro srand firm upon God's Word, regardless of rhe sneers and arracks of people who hare rhe brighrness of God's lighr. His minisrry has opened our eyes ro see how precious our freedom ro live unro rhe Lord really is. Dr. Srephen Olford's words rang rrue concern­ ing rhe preaching of God's word. We musr srudy ir in order ro be confidenr, accurare, and ready ro edify and move rhe soinrs ro Godly acrion and ro bring rhe losr ro salvarion. These are rhings rhar hove erernol impacr—high value. Wirh rhem, living roday for rommorrow becomes a sure reoliry, pleasing ro God, proclaimed ro all men.

Dr. Jock Wyrrzen

Dr. Elmer Towns


Rev. Georgi Vins (Wirh His Inrerprerer)

The Word Of Life Collegians


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