The Wailing Wall
In September I never dreamed I'd be sailing on rhe Sea of Galilee, dipping my roes inro rhe Jordan River, or corching a limo inro Jerusalem for rwo days of shopping! Now I con honestly soy rhar I've walked where Jesus walked—and where King David possibly walked—and I've beheld rhe land rhar I've studied for practically my whole life. Every srep in Israel is a step inro history: from rhe amphirhearre at Ceasarea ro rhe Western Wall in Jerusalem all rhe way down ro Masada. The Bible became more alive ro me. I understand rhe culture a lirrle more now, I see how intrinsi cally practical rhe parables and analogies of Jesus were and I can sense rhe heartbeat of anticipation in Israel. Israel is a country "on rhe brink," irs armosphere is electric, for Israel is nor merely a country with o post! Ir has a future also. I marveled ar rhe lush, tranquil Valley of Armageddon, and tried ro imagine ir four feer deep in blood. As I gazed ar rhe golden gate, I pictured rhe Messiah of Israel, and my King, coming rhrough ir in rriumph. We all had rhe rime of our lives reliving Israel's post, enjoying irs present and wondering ar irs furure. If you ever ger rhe chance—GO!
The Easrern Gore, seen From Gerhsemone
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