CEDARVILLE COLLEGE A Baptist college of arts and sciences, Cedarville offers an excellent, accredited Christian college education. Maintaining conservative standards of conduct and an active Christian service program, the college program includes a broad background of general studies, a required minor in Bible and a major field or special program selected
from forty-one areas: Major Fields of Study Accounting
Special Programs Bible - one year * Computer Information Systems Medical 'Technology Preagriculture Predental Preengineering Premedical
Physical Education Political Science Prelaw Psychology Public Administration Social Science Science, Com prehensive Sociology
American Studies Behavioral Science Bible, Comprehensive Bible, Preseminary Biology Broadcasting Business Administration Chemistry Elementary Education English History J History -Political Science J Mathematics Music Nursing
P re pharmacy Preveterinary ROTC - Army ROTC- Air Force
Spanish Speech
Study Abroad Program Secondary Education * (20 areas of certification) Sccretaria1Administration Special Education
For more information , write to: Director of Admissions Cedarville College Box 601 Cedarville , OH 45314
Join the other WOl, graduates who are continuing their edu cation at Cedarville College. WOLBI alumni typically transfer 57 quarter hours: SYM students may transfer an additional 50 quarter hours.
‘Ofhe Excellence Experienc
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