Ir Takes More Than \\ A Lirrle Bible" To Ger The Big Job Done
Some people wonr ro add just "a lirrle Bible" ro rheir educorion. Bur if you're serious obour o direcr involvemenr in gerring God's big job done- reaching rhe several billion who have never heard of Jesus Chrisr- ir rakes more rhan jusr a few Bible courses. Ir rakes a whole educarion cenrered around rhe Bible You need ro know ir. You need ro live ir. You need ro communicare ir. Thar's Columbia Bible College. If you re Think ing abour a direcr involvemenr in gerring rhe big job done ar home or abroad, isn'r rhis where you need ro be?
COLUMBIA BIBLE COLLEGE COLUMBIA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIBLE AND MISSIONS Depr CL, PO Box 3122, Columbia, SC 29230 vest A Phone Coll In Your Future. Coll (603) 754-41 Ext. 314 For An Admissions Bulletin
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