Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

A well-rounded “Distinctively Christian" education, nurtured in the atmosphere of a dynamic local church, can be vours at Tennessee Temple University. If (}od has called vou and vou have the faith to step out. we invite vou to consider Tennessee Temple University. "Faithful is he that calleth vou. who also will do it.

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Tennessee Temple consists of the divisions of Vrts and Sciences. Bible and Christian Ministries, Graduate Studies. Temple Baptist Theological Semi- narv. Deal Studies, and Uadem\ (K 1 2 ) .

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Chattanooga, Tennessee Telephone ( 6 1S >69K-602 I

All-Christian faculty

Full sports program

3 7 4 0 4

Teacher education curriculum approved by Tennessee State Board of Education

U*t Roberson Founder-Chancellor

I R Faulkner President


Route 9, South Schroon, New York, (Near 1-87 Exit 27) Telephone 518/532-7128 A Full Service Church Ministry, Preaching Teaching And Shoring The Word Of God

Graded Sunday School Nursery Ar All Services Sound Bible Preaching Excellent Music Program Exciring Yourh Program Olympians - Grades 1-6 College And Career Christian Day School, Grades K-12

\ \ Dedicated To Reaching The Norrh Country With The Gospel Of Salvation In Jesus Christ Neither Is There Salvation In Any Other,- For There Is None Other Nome Under Heaven, Given Among Men, Whereby We Must Be Saved." Acts 4:12


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