Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

President Jack Wyrtzen

Congrarularions, Class of 1983 .

” nmeS Wuen YOU wondered if rhis Veor would ever end, and now, suddenly, ir has ended Life is a lor

9 4 and "RnHn * w9* * * ° u m°k'n9 eQCh d°Y C°Unr' "The ni9hr COmerh' when no man con work" John ^ '.and Redeemmg rhe rime because rhe days are evil," Eph. 5:16. "So reach us ro number our days rhar we may apply our hearrs unro wisdom." Psalm 90:12. "The sreps of a good man are ordered by rhe Lord: ond he delighrerh in hb way. Though he all, he shall nor be urrerly casr down: for rhe Lord upholderh him wirh his hand." Psalm 37-23 24 "I know £ £ £ ^ S X ?h c" Z S ore plons °f b,e“in9S and nor of cdomiryi ,o * * ° ° ■ ^ 'h T, dGpr00f °fd°^ WJ' y°“ hove QdQPred ro r h e reaching of The Word ond rhe Biblical principles ser forth here ar rhe Bible nn H T Y Y° U Qpply yourself in rhe d°vs QheQd-^hen rhe ways of God become our ways we become firmlv orounded ond wi nnr Ho tv\ _____u ' 9

d ^ r ! hr°hVe h be ° n yOUr 9UQrd °9QinSr fQlSe reQCherS Wh° WOuld seek ro leQd y°u osrraV' ^herher ir be some whim of srmd fnir n rh f T n-c0r eaf nericd movemenrs; or devilish humanism rhor has so engulfed rhe world, you need ro . G Q'r Earnesrly conrend for rhe fairh which was once delivered unro rhe soinrs." Jude 3 Remember

even grear leaders have fallen, so keep your eyes upon our risen Lord. We have prayed for you while you were here. We'll pray for you as you go. You always welcome ro come home and be wirh us. God Bless you.

ore our family and we love you. You're

Yours on rhe Victory Side, Jock and Marge Wyrrzen Phil. 2:16

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