Robert Gray Dean Of Men God's love is os clear os rhe blue sky, The vosrness of which we cannor comprehend! God is more concerned wirh how we respond ro circumstances in life, than whor He has ro use ro bring about rhar response. "Therefore be imitators of God, os beloved children. Eph. 5:1 "Now, may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you oil!" 2 Thess. 3:16 NASV Dob Gray
Chris Miller Assistant Dean Of Men And Instructor
Transforming? Enlightening? Life-changing? The besr year of your life? I rrusr rhar these words describe your year here ar WOLBI, and if your fellowship wirh rhe Lord stays close, they will describe every year after rhis! Remember rhar apart from a warm, abiding relationship wirh rhe Lord we "con do norhing" (John 15:5). Be foirhful ro rhe basic disciplines of rhe Christian life you have learned rhis year and you will agree wirh rhe songwrirer, "rhe longer I serve Him, rhe sweerer He grows." My prayer is rhar rhe Lord will bless you "exceedingly abundantly above all rhar you could ask or think" as you serve Him! Chris Miller
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