Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

To rhe class of 1983: As rhe songwrirer has shored:

Ginny Newron Dean Of Women

"We hove on anchor rhar keeps rhe soul Sreadfasr and sure while rhe billows roll. Fasrened ro rhe Rock which cannor move, Grounded firm and deep in rhe Saviour's love." -Priscilla J. Owens

"Therefore my beloved brerhren, be ye sreadfasr, unmovoble, always abounding in rhe work of rhe Lord, forasmuch as ye know rhar your labour is nor in vain in rhe Lord." 1 Cor. 15:58 May rhis be a class firmly grounded in rhe Word, sreadfasr in rhe work of rhe Lord, and rejoicing in opporruniries rhar lie ahead. Go forrh vicrorious for Him! Ginny Newron

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"Now rhe God of hope fill you wirh all joy and peace . . . rhar ye may abound in hope, Through rhe power of rhe Holy Ghosr." Rom. 15:13 As you leave rhe Bible Insrirure, you musr be conrinuolly renewed in rhis hope. Ir will be quire easy ro become discouraged when Things oren'r happening rhe way rhar we wanr rhem ro. Conrinue ro rhank God rhar He is rhe God of hope ". . . for God harh nor given us rhe spirir of fear,- bur of power and of love, and of a sound mind ..." I know whom I hove believed - rhe God - nor of despondency, bur of hope. Margo Conrad


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