Tom Davis: Academic Dean Charles Dickens begins his famous TALE OF TWO CITIES wirh rhe quote: "If was rhe besr of rimes, ir was rhe worsr of rimes, ir was rhe age of wisdom, ir was rhe age of foolishness, ir was rhe epoch of belief, ir was rhe epoch of incredulity, ir was rhe season of light, ir was rhe season of darkness, ir was rhe spring of hope, ir was rhe winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us ... Perhaps you have felr this way in rhe pasr or perhaps even now. I pray that rhe sure foundation of God's Word, which you received this year ar rhe Bible Institute, will see you through rhe rough rimes of life. Dickens wrote about rhe bloody French Revolution. Historians tell us that England was spared from rhe same revolution because of rhe preaching of John Wesley and George Whirefield. May you, in rhe light of eternity, produce rhe same result in your generation! Tom Davis
Roy Namie Director Of Evangelism Class of '83 . . .
"Finally, brethren, pray for us, rhar rhe Word of rhe Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as ir is wirh you . . . Bur rhe Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil." II Thess. 3:1, 3. Thanks for being faithful in fulfilling your ministries. I truly appreciate and love each one of you and your commitment ro Jesus Christ. Don't quit. Go our of here and make Him known ro a desperately needy world, rhe world you live in, and for which He died. Ray Namie
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