MATCHING: 1. Ir was a dark and srormy nighr . . . 2. Take our a clean sheer of paper. 3. Your snow comp assignment ore now posred. 4. Good morning, gals! 1... . Before you con soy,"Jock Robinson . . 8. Yes, ladies and genrlemen, rhere will be wearher! 9. Now, I'm nor biased, bur I do have rhe mosr beauriful daughrer! 10. Yours, on rhe Vicrory Side! 5. Ir's birrhday nighr "A-gain!" 6. I hod a dream lasr nighr . . .
Mr. Wicks Mr. Page
Miss Newron Snoopy Horry Bollback
Joe Schenke Jock Wyrrzen Mr. Namie
Mr. Davis Mr. Miller
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