Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

Dr. Sherrill Babb- Hisrory b Inrroducrion To Yourh and Chrisrian Education- President, Philadelphia College of Bible Rev. Paul Bubar- Chrisrian Day School-Director, W.O.L. Clubs Mrs. Shirley Bubar-Chrisrian Womanhood Rev. M.A. Burler- Methods and Materials Assistant Director, W.O.L. Clubs Rev. Mike Calhoun- W.O.L. and the Local Church Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Miss Margo Conrad- Public Speaking Ass'r. Dean of Women, W.O.L.B.I. Mr. Roy Davoll- Yourh in the Local Church Intn'l Director, Olympian Program - . Mr. Tom Davis- Contemporary Problems,- 1 b 2 Thess., Homiletics Instruc­ tor, W.O.L.B.I. Dr. Roger Ellison- Hisrory b Inrroducrion To Yourh and Chrisrian Education- Exec. Vice Pres., Bapr. Univ. of America Dr. Tom Figarr- Contemporary Problems Chairman, Bible Dept., Lancas­ ter Bible College Rev. Frank Geremia- Family-Associate Pastor, Perth Bible Church, Perth, NY Mr. Gary Holden- Yourh in the Local Church Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Rev. Barry Holohan- Counseling Yourh W.O.L. Evangelist Rev. Don Kinzer- Chrisrian Leadership Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Rev. Lou Nicholes- Chrisrian Leadership Regional Director, W.O.L. Clubs Mr. Art Nazigan- Chrisrian Day School-Headmaster, The Christian Acade­ my Dr. Elmer Towns- Yourh in The Local Church Dean, Liberty Baptist ' Seminary Rev. Wayne VanderWier- Hisrory b Inrroducrion To Yourh and Chrisrian Education- Pastor, South Park Bapr. Church, Crown Point, IN Dr. John White- Organization b Administration of the Local Church- Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Ml Mr. Marshall Wicks- 2 Corinthians,- Homiletics,- 1, 2, 3 John Instructor, W .O.L.B.I. Mr. Chris Miller- Jeremiah Instructor, W.O.L.B.I.


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