Thanksgiving Day, rhe Valenrine's Danquer and rhe Spring Banquer were some of rhe special evenrs rhar were en joyed during rhe school rerm. Several couples had rhe opporruniry ro go on rhe Israel rour in March. The physical educarion class for "marrieds" provided a varied program including baskerball, volleyball and exer cise, plus a good rime of fellowship. This group of earnesr srudenrs has played a special parr in our school year. Each new semesrer has found several more srudenrs in arrendance. Their eagerness for learning rhe Word of God has been very obvious. They have had a desire ro place rheir furure in acrive Chrisrian service, and whar berrer place is rhere ro seek God's Word rhan ar WOLBI.
The married srudenr body was very acrive during rhe school year. Married srudenr advisor, Ray Nannie, made rhe "marrieds" feel welcomed by arranging several ger-ro- gerhers before rhe acrual beginning of classes in Seprember. This gave rhe srudenrs a chance ro ger acquainred wirh one anorher. The married srudenrs ofren gor involved in exrro-curriculor acriviries during rhe semesrers. Several srudenrs arrended rhe Open Air Minisrry in New York Ciry. Their reporr was very favorable. Some srarred prayer groups or joined rhe groups already formed on campus. They parricipared in comperirive sporrs evenrs. Among Those were foorball and soccer. A special evening ar rhe Inn was held for rhe married srudenrs. Ir was a very fine dinner meering. Hobo Nighr,
Rod and Susan Clarke, Denise, Sheri, Michelle
Roger and Barbara Carrer
Jim and Par Bickers, Kimberly, Danny, Brian, Lerisha
Kennerh and Joan Dodge, Cheryl
Gerry and Gail Dill, Carhy, Amy
Jay and Gloria Covalli, David, Daniel, Jason
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