Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

Basketball At Word Of Life Snow Camp 1983, bas­ ketball was the name of the game! Ev­ ery Saturday found our reams in compe­ tition with teens from o number of churches. They also hod occassion to march their skills with other Christian schools. These gomes served os on op­ portunity for our guys and girls to excel spiritually, os well os physically, by main­ taining Christ-like attitudes in the midst of o competitive atmosphere. The guys were 11-2, while the girls went undefeat­ ed.

Front: D. Longnecker, N. Janho, N. Brantner, N. Gembe, A. Sexton, D. Sergi, Bock: S. Goodwin, L. Horton, S. Hepworth, K. Gower, D. Bowen

Front: T. Good, J. Farrell, 5. Davis, J. Ansley, M. Goad, Dock: D. Freeman, J. Schaedel, R. Craig, D. Stitt, R. Cox, K. Molda, Coach - R. Nannie


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