Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

Front: A. Lindmark, D. Frederick, J. Ansley, C. Swenson, C. Doudreou, C. Dull Middle: Direcror-D. Donley, R. Croig, S. Reisr, D. Frozeur, T. Polizoy, D. McCoslin, N. Dronrner Dock: K. Dolenberg, J Dyksrro, R. Nozorion, S. Banister, L. Lemieux, D. Moffett, R. Lemieux

The Word Of Life Pep Bond ployed a virol role in snow comp—These ralenred srudenrs kepr rhe en­ thusiasm high wirh rheir lively music! Snow Comp jusr wouldn'r hove been rhe same wirhour rhem! Thank you, Mr. Donley and rhe 1983 Pep Bond.


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