Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

We have found it a challenge ro work on the 1983 "Open Door". Our staff of four, along with our advisor, Miss Tolliver, began working in October and have been going strong ever since! As we set our to meet our deadlines, from pictures, ro copy, to layouts, we began to see the yearbook raking shape. It was always exciting when the proofs came back and we were able ro see how the final pages were going to look! We thank the Lord for this opportu­ nity we have had to learn and work together as a team.

Elisso Walck

A special thanks is due to the following people: Miss Tolliver for taking time out of her busy schedule to advise us. Mr. Davis for utilizing his skills in taking our student formats. Mr. Miller for breaking in his brand new Nikon EM camera on yearbook candids. Berzi Hersk for contributing her rime to doing the entire SYM section. Dill Calabro for the ex­ cellent job he did on copy, especially The Bible Conference, Snow Camp, and the visiting lec­ turers. Jeff Cerny for the dedication page write up. Jessie Graves for her writing contribution. And all the others who pitched in ro help make this yearbook a reality.

Do you hove any film for me? Hove any ads come in? When is our nexr deadline? Did you ger any pictures from Rick? What hove we yer ro do?


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