Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1983

Snow Comp "83" "Nor unro us, O LORD, nor unro us, bur unro rhy name give glory, for rhy mercy and for rhy rrurh's soke." Psalm 115:1 This mosr odequerly defines rhe minisrry accomplished Through Word of Life Snow Comp 1983. From rhe Word of God preached by rhe comp speakers, ro rhe wirness and resrimony of rhe comping sraff, rhis rheme was ser forrh: "Wirhour rhe Lord Jesus Chrisr, life, or irs besr, is a loss." Many yourhs who came wirhour hope of life, dead in sins, left renewed, having believed on Jesus Chrisr os Savior and Lord! Many orhers, already Chrisrians, made imporranr com- mirmenrs concerning rhe Lordship of Jesus Chrisr in specific areas of rheir lives! As for rhe camping sraff, rhey, roo, were challenged ro show forrh rhe working of God from wirhin rheir lives. Wherher ir was in rhe midsr of cabin devorions, shoveling snow, rhing-a-majigs, wairing rabies, one-on-one counseling, or keeping rhe fireplaces going, commirmenr of fairh is rhar which cannor be compromised in rhe day of resring. Snow camp, 1982, served as a reminder ro borh srudenrs and campers rhar life in Jesus Chrisr can be one of vicrory and praise, even in rhe mosr unusual of circumsrances! . . . Bur unro rhy name give glory, O LORD!"

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