Being in rhe Collegians was a valuable experience for me. Ir meanr being prepared ar all rimes ro give your besr and your all, no matter if you were singing, acring, reaching a lesson, or jusr ironing curtains. Aside from all rhe Traveling and performing, my favorire aspect was rhe bus rides ro and from each place. Ir afforded us rhe opporruniry ro ger ro know and appreciare each orher on a more personal level rhan we ever could ar school wirh our busy schedules. Somerimes we'd sing or have group devorions. We always looked forward ro shoring srories abour rhe houses we'd srayed in and abour how rhe Lord had used our minisrry ro bring people ro Himself. Ir was exciring ro be involved in a group where no one is working for rheir own glory or gain, bur where all are working rogerher for rhe sole purpose of glorifying Jesus Chrisr in every acrion. He is rhe very reason for our singing and He is rhe rheme of every song we sing. Amy Slusher
Being in Collegians has broadened my perspecrive. Meering new people, sraying overnighr in homes, singing in resr homes and various churches have all played a special parr in rhis unique minisrry. Tour meanr: never getting rired, are rhe lighrs ser? and many quesrions of rhar sorr, living our of a suircase, and meering all kinds of people. Collegians is a minisrry involving people, wherher ir be fellowship as we rravel rogerher or rhe joy of seeing someone respond and receive Chrisr. Ir all means meering peoples' needs Through Chrisr. To Him be all rhe glory.
Special Thanks ro: Jack Wyrrzen- for his rime and help Harry Bollback- for his insrrucrion and encouragmenr Mrs. Scurlock- for her hard work on cosrumes Mrs. Davoll- for her dramaric insrrucrion Miss Newron, Dave Dorman, Mr. & Mrs. Chure, Caroline Howell, Mainrenance crews, Truck and bus drivers for all rheir rime And all Those who upheld us in prayer.
Jack Hennesey 11 Timorhy 1:7
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