Open Air Campaigners
And he said unto rhem, Go ye inro all the world, and preach rhe gospel ro every creature. Mark 16:15
OAC is rhe mosr effective way ro wirness. This minisrry helps every believer ro realize how powerful and how merciful God really is God also reaches you how ro love orhers (Chrisrion and non-Chrisrian alike) rhe way He loves rhem. God causes you
ro have mercy on rhese souls rhar ore headed for hell. "Children really don'r understand all this religion bit." more love for God than most grown-ups do.
Thar statement is an outright lie. These children have more faith and
Praise rhe Lord for rhis greor minisrry. Thanks ro Chris Schroeder, Arr Williams, Chuck Williams, and George Noggy. May rhe Lord continue to bless those who work mightily for him.
I Corinthians 15:58 Donnie Warrender
OAC was a great experience. I praise God rhar He gave me the opportunity to go on OAC. I learned that I must pay my total trust in Him and He will use me effectively. It was so awesome to see adults and children come to know Christ, and that it wasn't me who did it, but Christ that workerh in me! I loved it! Diane Kirch
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