Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1979


WORD LIFE ENGLAND H i, I want you to do three things for me and the great team serving the Lord in Britan. First pray ! Send for a prayer card, get our newsletter. Next, support the Lord's work here ! Have our ministry in your next missions conference. Be really in­ volved in this, like our representative here at home . Third, come over and visit us sometime . Write to me today.

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‘After searching around at other colleges for majors that would lead to a career in youth ministry, I came to Cedarville for the simple reason that it does. With a combination of Pre-Seminary and Psycholog)7it provides the foundation and framework from which I can minister to the total person, something that I could not find at other colleges or universities.” ^ • r • —Bryce Johnston ror more lntormation concerning Cedarville College, Please write: Director of Admissions Cedarville College Cedarville, Ohio 45314 COLLEGE

On behalf of the team Roy Watson Director

Word of Life England Schroon Lake, NY 12870

A Baptist ColliQA of Afti and Sciancas Cedarville. Ohio 45314 • Dr Paul Dixon. President


Route 9, South Schroon, New York, (Near 1-87 exit 27) Telepone 518/532-7128 A Full Service Church Ministry, Preaching Teaching And Sharing The Word Of God

Graded Sunday School Nursery at all services Sound Bible preaching Excellent Music program Counselling services Robert Hibbard, Pastor

Exciting Youth Program Olympians - Grades 1-6 College and Career Free bus service Christian Day School, Grades K Frank Rice, Youth Pastor


Dedicated to reaching the ' 'North Country' ' with the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ ' 'Neither is there salvation is any other; for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. '' Acts 4:12


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