Jack Wyrtzen, President
Harry Bollback, Vice-President
Harry, ' ' . . . but with God all things are pos sible . '' Matthew 19:26 Excitement and enthusiasm have sur rounded every activity for the Lord. We thank God for the souls saved and the in spiration bom in our own hearts through your ministry and instruction to us here at school. You have shown us what faith in God's power can do; and it has been a priviledge for us to share your visions and faith this year. »
Jack, 11. . .b e strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. ' 1Ephesians 6:10 We ' ve seen you as a m an who is nationally known and respected; and who has stood by the Word of God and applied it in your own life. We've come to know you in a more per sonal w ay. As we could easily see the love of God shining through your personality, your life and close walk with the Lord have been a great influence on our lives.
Jack And Harry
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