Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1979

Janurary 1, 1979 the Missionary Conference commenced. Several mission boards were represented, such as: Cen­ tral American Mission, Unevangelized Field Mission, Pocket Testament League, The Evangelical Alliance Mission, International Mission, Gospel Missionary Union, Sudan Interior Mission, Missionary Aviation Fellowship, New Tribes, Child Evangelism Fellowship, WOL Overseas, and Association of Baptist for World Evangelism. President of ABWE, Dr. Wendell Kempton, was the m ain speaker for the conference . January 4, 1979 the conference ended with a banquet and Colonel Jack McGuckin as the speaker for the evening. Many lives were challenged to the importance of spreading the Gospel and commitments were made to serve faithfully. So now all over the world people will hear the truth about Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. For now is the time of spreading this news around the world. And the faith promise of $39,060 is only the beginning of our obedience to Christ ’scom m and: ’'Asthe Father hath sent me , so send I you. ’’

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The fantastic flying fingers atwork

Harry Bollback, please report to earth.

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