Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1979

Which Temperament Are You?

The week of March 12-16, 1979, Dr. GMrs. Tim LaHaye graciously informed us about how to understand ourselves better when we know what temperament we are: Sanguine, Phleg­ matic, Choleric or Melancholy. Their semi­ nars on yielding each area of our lives to God challenged many to another step of growth with the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly, Jack Wyrt- zen's messages on Love, Courtship, and Mar­ riage were helpful to many in their thinking about tomorrow. M.A. Butler got many ex­ cited about the Lord's return as he taught us concerning upcoming events in the world and prophecy yet to be fulfilled. In giving us sound doctrine, Pastor Hibbard stimulated our minds in the ten building blocks of a Christian min­ istry. Harry Bollback again motivated and encouraged each one to be active in the Lord's work. Likewise, Pastor Tom Mahairas shared his exciting testimony of how he came to know the Lord. Remembering the final impression of the conference, its impact left many of us changed and seeking to serve the true, living God more faithfully.


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