Celebrating Women's Equality Day

Courtney Petty Regional Manager

Danielle Simmons Regional Manager

Q: What’s the best career advice you have ever received and why is it meaningful to you? A: The best career advice I have ever received came frommy grandfather, who ran our family business and taught me that you are the only person that will be responsible for your own success. Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in each day. It’s all about what you do with those hours that will make you successful or not. Q: What is the one thing that you aim to embody as a leader? A: I strive to be approachable and supportive. It is also important to me that I am providing my employees with the tools they need to advance in their careers. It brings me great joy as a leader to see people that have worked for me grow within the company and take on new roles and challenges. Q: How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career? A: Learning to embrace your failures and turn them into opportunities for learning and growing as a professional and an individual has helped me to become more resilient over the course of my career. Confidence comes from experience. Q: What is that main thing that makes you who you are? What are your values and what do you believe in? A: I live my life by the Golden Rule, which is the principle of treating others as you would want to be treated. I think it’s very important, especially in our industry, to be kind to one another. Q: What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? A: Be your own advocate; no one else is going to advocate for you. Q: Howhas the industry or company changed in the past 5 years?What do you predict will happen in the next 5 to 10 years? A: I would say the attention to our online reputation and realization that word-of-mouth is more powerful than any amount of advertising dollars. The reputation you have directly impacts your success. In the next five years, the demand for excellent customer service and expected response time will impact the way that we staff our communities, as residents will expect immediate response and satisfaction, and they’ll pay more to receive that convenient lifestyle. Q: How do you believe we can value all forms of diversity and inclusion in the current US climate? A: The first step is acknowledging that there is a need for change and educating ourselves with how we can cultivate a culture that inspires people to collaborate and support one another. I am proud of how Trinity Property Consultants has been receptive to this climate change and are working to be more diverse and inclusive.

Q: What’s the best career advice you have ever received and why is it meaningful to you? A: The best advice I have ever received inmy 20+ years of working in real estate is to say yes to everything. Don’t hesitate, say yes. You’ll figure the HOW out later. Don’t let fear hold you back. Q: What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? A: If I could talk to 20-year-old me, I would tell her to slow down and enjoy the journey. It’s not all about the destination. Keep striving to be better and do better but make sure you slow down and celebrate all the wins. Q: What is the one thing that you aim to embody as a leader? A: Do as I do, not do as I say. Lead by example, work together as one team, and foster growth.

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