Celebrating Women's Equality Day

Cassidy Clark Director of Marketing

Nicole Beaverson National Recruiting Director

Q: What’s the best career advice you have ever received and why is it meaningful to you? A: The best advice I have ever received was from a professor. She told me that whatever I do and wherever I go, that I should always surround myself with people that challenge me, people who are smarter than me and people who push me to be better. It is has guided me throughout my career and made me into a better leader and marketer. Q: What is the one thing that you aim to embody as a leader? A: To be a good leader, you need to be a good teammate. You need to support your fellow teammembers with positivity, patience and trust. I would never delegate a task or project that I wouldn’t dare do myself. A good leader is also approachable, never too good or too busy to help a fellow teammate in need. This is the reputation I hope I am building with my career at Trinity. Q: What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? A: Looking back, I would tell my 20-year-old self to trust in your abilities, trust in the people you admire and don’t be too hard on yourself. Take advantage of the opportunities that are offered to you and continue to build that circle of people you can count on when things get tough and when life needs to be celebrated! I truly enjoy working with the teammembers that make up Trinity. I like them as people, and I respect them. Enjoying the people you work with has a lot to do with how you build a successful career.

Q: What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? A: Build your personal brand at work so your colleagues want to partner with you and say yes to opportunities outside of your job description. Especially early in your career, master your role and take on the additional projects and challenges you’re presented with. If you are asked to collaborate on an initiative or be part of a conversation, it’s for a reason. Speak up and be confident in what you’re bringing forth. You never know who you’ll meet, what you’ll learn or what that collaboration could lead to!

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