Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1972

The World >God began with nothing and made a beautiful world. Man was placed in this beautiful world to enjoy it and be in the image of God.

Woman was made for a companion to man to live in a beautiful world. Self began to reign, and man forgot God. Children came and grow and spread to every part of the world. Parents wipe away tears and feed small hungry tummies. Animals are slaughtered or worshiped and many are found as pets. Plants are planted throughout the season... or just grow wild in the rain and sunshine. Deserts are dry, sandy, and flat, and praries are full with wheat. Forests are full of animals, trees, plants, insects, and more. Ants scurry about, bears are out, and bees are humming by. Skyscrapers loom into the sky, mountains are seen in the distance, Business flourishes, money comes easy, and yet there are slums. Roads are full of trucks, buses, cars, and trailers. Schools spring up, education is more advanced. Man is satisfied, he has been successful and his family is happy. Ocean beaches are full of man, taking it easy, reading the latest news. God looks down, so very sad, and says "not. good enough". Christ comes from glory and lives on earth to die and save man. Man lives on more successful, and feels independent, not needing a God. Death comes and, man's life in the world is finished. Judgment i ernes, God strikes. Where do you, Man, stand7

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dorcas brown


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