Work Pain Free

Health Tips

Exercise Essentials Try these pain relief exercises:

“ Mindful Actions Reduce Stress At Work . ”

Relieves Low Back Pain

PRAYER STRETCH - LATERAL While on your hands and knees in a crawl position, slowly lower your buttocks towards your feet. Also, lower your chest towards the floor as you reach out towards the side. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Mindfulness can be practiced at any time, even while walking, drinking tea, or writing an email. Follow these simple action steps to let go of the illusion of control and instead cultivate resilience on the job. 1. Loosen the grip—Let it Go Emotional stress can manifest as physical tension. To help ease both, practice relaxing your body with this simple exercise: • While sitting at your desk, settle your attention on your hands, and/or on your shoulders. • If you find your grip extremely tight (or your shoulders tense), realize that this will make you feel stress. • Choose to loosen your grip and/or release the tension in your shoulders as much as you can (Breathing helps!). • Take a moment to observe the different sensations you feel when you bring your attention to your body. Remember, this is something you can do even as you plod through your to-do list! 2. Establish regular meditation Committing to a regular meditation practice—even just 10 minutes a day—can go a long way toward helping you feel calm in the face of work stressors. There are a wide variety of practices to choose from, so experment to find what works best for you. Adapted from work-again By Charlotte Lieberman

Helps Neck Pain

STANDING EXTENSIONS While standing, place your hands on your hips and lean back to arch your back. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

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