Student Council C o-ordinates Even The Student Council did their part in keeping things hopping. They organized and planned the traditional banquets and developed the student prayer bands for the missions seminar and then endeavored to encourage weekly prayer groups for specific mission fields. In addition, the student body was encouraged to meet in Council Hall for prayer each morning before breakfast. The Council was very successful in injecting life into the social and spiritual needs of the student body. Members were (left to right): Gary Manter, President; Ed Bare, Vice President; Deborah Manter, Secretary; Jim Gilles, Missions President; Linda Fernandez Missions The lunch table was a typical meetin9 P|ace for the student council. They found Secretary/Treasurer; Peter Spellman, 11t0 be an ldeal location to plan our banpuets and other related events. Chaplain; Howie Williams, Treasurer.
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