Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1975

Pastor John Fleck

From Genesis to Revelation One of the most unique aspects of our program at the Institute is the large variety of guest lecturers. Such a wide selection enables the students to get many different approaches to the teaching of the Word of God. Pastor Joseph Stowell began the year off right with the book of Genesis. Romans was taught next by Dr. David Allen. Other instructors included Dr. Paul Benware —Galatians, Dr. Charles Ryrie—Creationism and the Gospel of Luke, Dr. Clarence Didden—the Gospel of John, Dr. Thomas F igart—Exodus and the Minor Prophets, Pastor John Fleck—II Corinthians, Mr. Jack Wyrtzen—II Peter and Jude, Dr. Wendell Kempton—Ephesians and Philemon, Dr Renald Showers and Mr. Tom Taylor—two aspects of church history, Dr. Don Jennings—I Peter, Dr. John Michell—Revelation Dr. Dwight Pen t ecost —Dan ieI, Mr. Don Robbie Ro ber t son —PhiIipp ians, Dr. Lehman Strau ss—Epistles of John and Rev. Al Larsen—Colossians. The list of these well qualified teachers is long, but each left a personal impact on the hearts of each of the students.

Dr. Renald Showers

Dr. Wendell Kempton


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