Dr. Master Big Future
Future Aussi Takes Cake
Mr. Twombly has had a lot to do outside of class this year, yet he made a real contribution to his students' lives. He is the first to have used taped lectures as a regular teach ing tool. Most appreciated were his principles for liv ing taken from his general overview of the scriptures. He used his own material in class, which he contin ued to develop throughout the year. Everyone seemed to be able to relate to his illustrations as they fre quently concerned his fam ily. His class is remember ed as a truly enjoyable one that yielded a wealth of information.
As new as the 1974 stu dent body was Dr. John Master, an amiable student of the Word from Dallas Seminary. A captivating teacher, his courses seemed to gather interest like ants to a picnic. At the end of the year, Dr. Master took over his new post as Academic Dean, a job his disposition and ability are tailor-made for. Ruth Dague had her head spinning with all she had to do, but seemed to get herself together for a smile or some help for a wan dering student.
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