Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1974


More than anything else, Philadelphia College of Bible is students. Nearly seven hundred fun loving, outgoing, pur­ poseful, unpredictable students. They're great. They really make this college. Each one is an individual. They come from big cities, small towns, even other countries. Most are recent high school grads, but some are vets; some married; some with families. They come with a pur­ pose and they're searching, questioning, looking, and fin­ ding. Together they're growing. They are the warmest people you've ever known. The students at Philadelphia College of Bible are ad­ vancing together into "Careers with Christ", majoring in Bible Christian Education, Bible Church Music, Bible Nur­

sing, Bible Pastoral Studies, Bible Missions, and Bible Social Work. PCB offers quality Bible Education and training for "Careers with Christ". It is accredited regionally by Mid­ dle States Association, and nationally and professionally by the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, and National Association of Schools of Music and is approved by the Council on Social Work Education.

For more information write for a free Careers with Christ Guide.

PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF BIBLE 1800 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103


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