Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1974

EATING — 4 VIEWS Apart from study and sleeping, eating is the biggest acti­ vity going. Just to share a few thoughts on the mastication of edibles, why not look at some eaters in action? First of all there is the soul who chooses to believe that institution­ al food does not exist, and every time he touches the chair he transports himself to an expensive cafe on the Riviera, where he can eat taste-tingling delicacies un­ known to the mundane cafeteria people that fill this world. He eats in style as he ponders the close relationship be­ tween peanut butter and dried "Gravy Train". There is always somebody at the table who stirs his cof­ fee for twenty-five minutes, leaves the sugar wrappers strewn like autumn leaves, gets up, and walks out the side door. Though giving the impression that he is in a train of thought that may change the world in the next few moments, his brain is probably working about as hard as his stomach, as he stirs his coffee. He enjoys the rest and peace his mind can enjoy while doing nothing more important than conjuring up dishes compatible to peanut butter. Another common eater is the Blab-o-matic. He sees the dinner hour as a mutual counseling session between him­ self and the world. He unloads all of his problems on the others around, and expects them to do the same to him. He will solve them all, of course. This type can be rather harmless if he mumbles to himself, but there is the ever-present threat of the excited eater. He shovels a huge quantity of mixed food between his flying jaws. Blab-o-matic loves oeanut butter, because it holds every­ thing in while he talks. That saves him from constantly rounding up his food, as he never takes time to swallow anything. He commonly concludes his meal by settling back to a loud belch. Finally, there is the banquet-goer supreme. He is the mannerly type who eats sparingly, saving it all up for the big moment when he can delve his chops into a huge spread. He piles his plate like a pyramid, but then has to fight a battle as his pyramid sinks and engulfs his entire plate, top and bottom, while he waits in line. This is one who really enjoys the big affair and likes to start at the top of his creation and work to the bottom. Though he looks like a class expert from head to toe, the banquet-goer sometimes cannot resist the urge. As he reaches that last juicy dill pickle, he sneaks his hand into his coat to pull out a container of, you guessed it, peanut butter.


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