WOL COLLEGIANS ONE SONG TO SING The choir was eighty voices blended into one sound. That sound was the voice of the gospel, and the music told the story well. It is one thing to sing and see peo ple pleased and entertained, but as the Collegians found, quite another to see people saved and encouraged through singing. The first quarter was hurry-up-and-learn time, because the group sang for the first time on the fourth weekend of school. They split up into four groups for weekend acti vity, and the program of music and testi mony proved effective in the church minis tries. It was also an excellent way to catch a glimpse of growing churches and to tuck some of their successful methods away for future use. After limited activity in the second quarter Snow Camp, the spring came. The most trying yet meaningful time of the year was here. Long three-day weekends with three or four performances took its toll, but there was a real joy in seeing folks respond to the mesage of "The Last Week". Another blessing was that of being able to travel all over the east. We cannot pass without mentioning the busses. Whenever there was a dull moment, the busses filled in with every sort of breakdown imaginable. They kept life in the long excursions, how ever. There is no way to get around all the work the choir put in, but God honors our hard work with a rich harvest of souls for his glory.
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