Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1974


"Snow camp is characterized by activity" had to be the understatement of the year. From 4:00 Friday evening to Sunday night there were some four hundred-fifty scream­ ing stampeding snow campers witn vocal cords of steel cable running around like ants on hamburger. Mr. Smith, head of the camp, had the students all primed and ready to go. Things went fast and furious and the counselors had to be on the ball. Chasing down stray campers, extracting fat lazy ones from bed, cleaning the rest­ rooms at the end of the weekend, and gen­ erally acting a fool to keep campers ex­ cited were some of the joys of counseling. The results were tremendous. Tens and hundreds poured down the aisles during the invitations, and counseling sessions yielded yet more decisions for Christ. Though most WOLBIers felt like a wet pretzel after it was all over, what God did in lives made the next week a new and greater excitement. Shown on this page are just a few unforgettables that made snow camp what it was.

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