ifleintation Perdition
Stygian streams flooding my soul, Hadean gleams baffling my sight, Each deadly sin taking full toll, Making more hopeless my desperate plight. Petition Jesus, in pity, hear my wild cry, Hold out Thy cross to my weak, shak ing hands; Sinful, abandoned, committed to die— Nought but Thy grace can sever my bands. Regeneration Thou, Lord, hast pardoned, cleansed and redeemed; Now by Thy sacrifice sinless I stand, Living apart from a world once es teemed, Prayerfully waiting Thy gracious command. Sanctification Invest me, Lord, with Thy indwelling grace, Lest I should stray. May visions of Thy smiling, kingly face Lighten my way— Until I walk with Thee in Heaven above, And hear the music of Thy perfect love. — ERNEST A. D. CORNELIUS. moved by adhering to the diminutive form of the Greek word for dogs, and translating it as follows: It is not fair to take the children’s bread and to throw it to the doggies. But she said, “ True, Lord, for even the pups eat of the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Another noteworthy translation in the Berkeley Version is that of the well- known passage in Philippians 2:5-11, where the humiliation and the exaltation of Christ are described. Compare it care fully with any other version and notice the changes, especially the insertion of a reference to intelligent beings and not to inanimate things in the tenth verse: Let this attitude be yours, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, though exist ing in the form of God, did not consider His equality with God something to cling to, but emptied Himself as He took on the form of cLservant and became like human beings. So, recognized in looks as a human being, He humbled Himself and lived obediently Ho the extreme of death; yes, death by the cross. God, therefore, has lifted Him high and has graced Him with a name that • surpasses every name, so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven, of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess to the glory of God the Father that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Continued on Page 18) M A R C H , 1 9 4 8 THE BERKELEY VERSION (Continued from Page 15)
For the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Sfrtre to tltF W r i t t e n H J o r i t . . F a i t h T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y stands uncompromisingly for the abso- lute truth of the entire Word of God. The teaching is, accordingly, loyal to the great Christian fundamentals, includ ing the premillennial return of our Lord. The institution was founded in 1937 to train men for Christian leader ship in these days of widespread denial of the Word, as to its claims to be supernaturally inspired and historically true, as to its prophetic declarations, and as to its demands for Christian living. In the words o f its charter: ‘The Seminary is to test all things by the Word of God as carefully and prayer fully studied. It is to stress those mat ters that the Bible clearly and repeatedly presents; and to avoid giving undue im portance to matters of doubtful inter pretation.”
Without material endowment, the Seminary looks to God for support, knowing that He will carry forward the work which He has established. For full information address Roland K. Armes, T reas., P. O. Box 4299'JC, Philadelphia, Penna.
The main Seminary building from the rear — a beautiful setting. Class work under the personal supervision of Professor Harris.
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