King's Business - 1948-03

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THE BERKELEY VERSION (Continued from Page 17)

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Another interesting passage is John 21:15-18, where we have the two differ­ ent words phileo and agapao, used fre­ quently in the Greek New Testament for “ love,” rendered discriminately by the translator as follows: When they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you feel more friendship for Me than these do? He said to Him, “ Yes, Lord, you know that I love you!” He told him, Feed My lambs. For the second time Jesus asked him, Simon, son of John, do you feel friendship for Me? He replied, “ Yes, Lord, you know that I love you!" Jesus told him, Tend My sheep. The third time He asked him, Simon, son of John, do you love Me? Peter felt distressed be­ cause the third time He asked him, Do you love Me? and said to Him, “Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you!” Jesus told him, Feed My sheep. Truly I assure you, when you were young you girded yourself and went about where you wished; but when you grow old, you will hold out your hands and another will gird you and conduct you where you do not want to go. Dr. Verkuyl, in the preface to his translation, acknowledges his indebted­ ness to many former translations, but claims to have striven earnestly to make this version his own, and he has cer­ tainly accomplished his' purpose in an excellent and illuminating manner. One of the most difficult epistles of Paul to read or translate is Second Corinthians, and Dr. Verkuyl has done a fine piece of work in his rendering of that portion. It is a real joy to read his version and follow Paul to his intricate defense of his apostleship. A very good sample of the excellent translation of Second Cor­ inthians is 9:1-9: It is superfluous for me to write you further about this ministering to the saints, for I know of your willingness, and I boast about you to the Macedonians, because Achaia held itself in readiness from a year back—and your zeal has stirred up a goodly number. I am send­ ing these brothers, so that our pride in you may not in this instance be an empty boast, but that you may be as fully ready as I told them. Else, if any Mace­ donians should come with me and find you unprepared, we would feel humiliat­ ed —wot to say you—because of our feel­ ing so sure. I consider it therefore neces­ sary to request these brothers to visit you in advance and to have your prom­ ised blessing all made up, so it will be ready to hand, a real thank-offering and not something extorted from you. Observe this: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, while he who sows liberally will reap also liberally. Let each one give as in his heart he had planned, neither grudgingly nor by com­ pulsion; for God loves a hilarious giver.

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In Colors . . . N E W E A S T E R PICT-O-GRAPH “CRUCIFIXION AND RESURRECTION” Make the Easter story live with these colorful, new flannelgraph figures. From the Prayer in the Garden to Christ’s triumph over the Tomb and His Ascension. Ten dramatic inci­ dents can be built from 26 large figures. Six sheets printed in vivid full color on flannel-adhering paper. Ready to cut out and use. Manual with simple instructions. _ _ Complete, only .......... . ......... # 3^ At your book store, or order from Desk 23. The Standard Publishing Co. 20 East Central Parkway Cincinnati 10, Ohio And God is able to pour out on you richly every possible grace, so that you will always and under all circumstances have plenty for your own need, and to spare for every good enterprise, as it is writ­ ten, “He has scattered abroad; he has given to the poor; his fairness never, never fails.” If one will turn to the Authorized Version and read, he will appreciate- something of what this new version by Dr. Verkuyl has done for English read­ ers of'the New Testament. A review of this translation would be incomplete without an appreciative ref­ erence to the short but helpful, footnotes that clarify expressions and explain sit­ uations and conditions that might other­ wise puzzle the reader. The author has also worked out, insofar as research can determine, the dates of events of say­ ings, and of writings, and these are found on each page making them handy for the reader’s use. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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